the Satanic Statism Religion: What “J6ers”, “Patriots”, “Veterans” and the MAGA Cult Need to Rethink About Christ

These contrasts are evident in the texts, and their implications have shaped theological and historical interpretations. The facts, as written, are indeed distinct and unambiguous, and the historical record underscores their impact on religion and governance.

Words of Art and the Veil of Deception: Exposing Legalese Trickery in “No Undercover FBI Employees Were Present”

In the pantheon of govern-MENTAL-ism, the repugnant and Un-Clean-Handed B.A.R.-tool’s “Words of Art” and doublespeak, few statements are as insulting to the intelligence of a law scholar—or any critical thinker/truther—as the recent report stating: “No Undercover FBI Employees Were Present at Jan. 6 Capitol Riot”.

the Cestui Qui Vie Trust, Canon Law and the Third/Final Position of De Facto Law

The act of registering a child contracted them as chattel, and the birth record was a deceptive legal way of getting the parents to sign the baby away. The birth record was in fact a promissory note that was converted into a slave bond, which was then sold to a private reserve bank effectively giving ownership of the child to the bank.

inferno: An Anatomy of American Punishment

Columbia Law Professor Robert Ferguson points out in his poignant new book, Inferno: An Anatomy of American Punishment, it is hard to grasp the meaning of such numbers. “Actually knowing what inmates endure presents a serious complication with no simple solution.” He asks whether we can really comprehend punishment at this level.

the (FILTHY) British “Crown” Runs the “U.S. Legal System”

This idea that the British monarchy “controls everything” in the world is usually considered a conspiracy. But once you have read excerpts from The Crown Temple by Rule of the Mystery Babylon below, you may find yourself re-examining true history of U. S. law.

Prison Profiteers: Who Makes Money from Mass Incarceration

one out of every 137 Americans is imprisoned. Prison Profiteers looks at the private prison companies, investment banks, churches, guard unions, medical corporations, and other industries and individuals that benefit from this country’s experiment with mass imprisonment.