Miasma of Madness

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In the season when furtive elements within American society practiced assassination by killing earnest servers M. L. King and R.F. Kennedy, thereby helping wreck the common hopes and dreams for most Americans, this writer was a young attendant at the local State hospital. No ordinary hospital it was. Back then, the shattered souls ejected from…

the war OF terror… a Look Back

Some people are starting to wonder who the real terrorists are. the Purveyors of fear and violence are the same as they have always been. A Global elite that not only feels the need to be wealthy, but to make others destitute, diseased or dead. For Some time they have used the UNITED STATES government as cover for their crimes against humanity.

Culture of Mass Denial Encounters Cognitive Dissonance

by: Jonathon V / July 3rd, 2003 Why are most Americans unwilling to question the U.S. Government’s shabby cover story for Sept. 11th? The short answer: because denial of the truth is easier than confrontation. In the Culture of Mass Denial crafted by the US Government the sleepers, or sheep, will sometimes lash out violently…

“Dreaming War” by: Gore Vidal

With the Cheney-Bush junta conducting “perpetual war”, Vidal asks whose interests are served by a doctrine of pre-emptive attack. Was the rubble in Afghanistan turned to more rubble to avenge the 3,000 slaughtered on September 11? Or was Osama “chosen on aesthetic grounds to be the frightening logo for our long contemplated invasion and conquest of Afghanistan”?