Herein exists a collection of materials that is aimed towards providing a thinking and rational mind the ability to be far more fluid and dynamic so as One can UN-learn the mountain of lies it has been indoctrinated since birth with.
The Cestui Que Vie Trust is an account all men/women born in America inherit due to the bankruptcy – just one of many – of the U.S. in 1933 and the subsequent ceasing of all the citizens gold, silver and other assets as collateral.
In the year 635 AD, 24 Christian monks from Persia, march into the Chinese capital of Chang-An (Xian) and are welcomed by the Chinese emperor, Taizong. Within 50 years there was evidently a Christian monastery and/or parish church in every major city in China. Why the welcome, and why the fast growth? This new information…
If you study this paper and read the Constitution, you will know more about it than most State & federal so-called “judges”, most law professors & lawyers / esquires, those who spout off on TV & radio, just about anybody in Congress, and the self-educated who fixate on their own idiotic theories. And you will certainly know more than anyone currently occupying any office in the executive branch of the federal government.
Under the emperors, the political landscape shifted, and the publicani were suppressed. New forms of corporations emerged. Charitable corporations were established to serve Rome’s growing indigent population. The emerging Catholic Church employed the corporate form as a vehicle for joint ownership of real estate and other property.
The United States is a CORPORATION, incorporated February 21, 1871 in order to provide a government for the District of Columbia. Your birth certificate is a security traded on the stock exchange… and MUCH MORE TRUTHS!
There are very few people worldwide who will claim they understand the Hegelian dialectic and, there are even fewer people who want to try.
In the interest of saving time I shall tell you bluntly and TRUTHFULLY that the term RESIDENT means PROPERTY of the “lord of the land” or LAND LORD… and THAT dear reader is the utterly FILTHY, “elitist” and feudalistic ideology hidden from you by your FILTHY public school teachers, university QUACKademics, the MSM, FILTHY Big…
Communitarians borrow ideas from ancient religions, Plato, Marx, Jefferson, Buber and Madame Blavatsky. Studying their theory is a nightmare. It’s unfocused and vague. And, this new theory is nothing like what Fredric Bastiat called a valid scientific inquiry.