the Strawman Does Not Exist! No One to Blame But YOU!

The is no such thing as a Democratic Party (nor your TV’s “democracy”/demon-crazy) constitutionally. It is a strawman to cover for the terrorists known as the Republican Party, which by the way… does not constitutionally exist!”

VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door

I, a living man and Father, have my Daughter and her Mother trapped over there. Because of you filthy, SUB-species “hue-mans” (aka “monsters” / “creatures) that believe in and obey your filthy religions of “authority” (“government” and “experts) and scientism… I have NOT seen them for nearly three (3) years now!

What YOUR “Elites” Love Doing to You

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] This is just more COLD-HARD TRUTH and evidence that YOUR – NOT my – “elites” and their filthy CORPSE-orations hate you, hate your family, neighbors and humanity in general. I say “YOURS” rather than “my” or “ours” because people like me utterly reject ALL forms of “collectivism”, group-think/behavior, and systems of belief (aka “ANY…