a Deep Dive into Disinformation, Censorship, and Information Warfare in the 21st Century

It’s morally, legally, and intellectually repugnant that officials have clandestinely created a vast apparatus for censoring citizens’ legal speech on the pretext of combatting foreign disinformation.

Architect of the Capitol – a “Sovereign Citizen” – Accused of Ethics Violations

A federal watchdog has accused what some may refer to as a “Sovereign Citizen” known as the “Architect of the Capitol” of ethics violations over an offer to provide tours to “patrioTARDS” weeks before the November 2020 election as well as felonies and misdemeanors.

VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door

I, a living man and Father, have my Daughter and her Mother trapped over there. Because of you filthy, SUB-species “hue-mans” (aka “monsters” / “creatures) that believe in and obey your filthy religions of “authority” (“government” and “experts) and scientism… I have NOT seen them for nearly three (3) years now!

the (FILTHY) British “Crown” Runs the “U.S. Legal System”

This idea that the British monarchy “controls everything” in the world is usually considered a conspiracy. But once you have read excerpts from The Crown Temple by Rule of the Mystery Babylon below, you may find yourself re-examining true history of U. S. law.