Impalement of Embedded, Treasonous, DOD-HHS Bio-Terrorists On the Horns of Their Dilemmas.

Public Notice to ANY/ALL AGENTS of government, post office, legal/lawful occupations, law enforcement, military member, judge, mayor, etc. in fact, no disclosure of the intent to commit fraud, entice a human into slavery via deception etc. et al from the true owner of all LEGAL NAME(S) COPYRIGHT, namely the CROWN CORPORATION has never and was never offered and therefore, renders all things legal/lawful null and void since it is based on fraudulent intent ab initio.

the Cestui Qui Vie Trust, Canon Law and the Third/Final Position of De Facto Law

The act of registering a child contracted them as chattel, and the birth record was a deceptive legal way of getting the parents to sign the baby away. The birth record was in fact a promissory note that was converted into a slave bond, which was then sold to a private reserve bank effectively giving ownership of the child to the bank.


Following PR Crisis, PayPal Again Updates TOS Hoping You Won’t Notice

The Filthy, SUB-species, fascist, tyrants at PayPal… which is run by vile, inauthentic-corporate-male/female trash are at their terrorism again. And as far as PR crises go, PayPal and their filthy urbanite “elite”, fancy-pants college degree holding trash have gotten their mind-rot, scum asses into quite the predicament.

“PLANDemic” part 1 / Dr. Judy Mikovits

PLANEDemic will expose the scientific and political elite who run the scam that is our global health system, while laying out a new plan; a plan that allows all of humanity to reconnect with healing forces of nature. 2020 is the code for perfect vision. It is also the year that will go down in history as the moment we finally opened our eyes.”

Moving Humanity Towards a Hive-Mind of Tamed Zombies Who Think and Act Alike… More Than They Already Do!

The sociopathic and SUB-human “social engineers”, “influencers”,  “community organizers”, “steering committees”, etc. have been trying to to destroy traditional gender roles (which involves weakening men and the pseudo-empowerment of women) and move humanity towards a more “gender-neutral” society of tamed individuals who think and act more alike than they already do now.

the (FILTHY) British “Crown” Runs the “U.S. Legal System”

This idea that the British monarchy “controls everything” in the world is usually considered a conspiracy. But once you have read excerpts from The Crown Temple by Rule of the Mystery Babylon below, you may find yourself re-examining true history of U. S. law.