History of Corporations

Under the emperors, the political landscape shifted, and the publicani were suppressed. New forms of corporations emerged. Charitable corporations were established to serve Rome’s growing indigent population. The emerging Catholic Church employed the corporate form as a vehicle for joint ownership of real estate and other property.

the Global Business of MISeducation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What word can best describe the contemporary and practically global ritual of two hypothetically sane and rational individuals, commonly known as “parents”, blithely submitting to a state’s demand to hand over their child, usually to total strangers, for so-called “compulsory public education”; Strangeness or Insanity perhaps?   Further baffling matters would be to understand that…

Prison Profiteers: Who Makes Money from Mass Incarceration

one out of every 137 Americans is imprisoned. Prison Profiteers looks at the private prison companies, investment banks, churches, guard unions, medical corporations, and other industries and individuals that benefit from this country’s experiment with mass imprisonment.

What the Term “Resident” Actually Means

In the interest of saving time I shall tell you bluntly and TRUTHFULLY that the term RESIDENT means PROPERTY of the “lord of the land” or LAND LORD… and THAT dear reader is the utterly FILTHY, “elitist” and feudalistic ideology hidden from you by your FILTHY public school teachers, university QUACKademics, the MSM, FILTHY Big…

Bush & the Bureaucracy: a Crusade for Control

critics charge that the White House is embarking on a crusade to replace expert judgment in federal agencies with political calculation, to marginalize or eliminate longtime civil servants, to change laws without going through Congress, to silence dissenting views within the government, and to centralize decision-making in the White House.