Bush & the Bureaucracy: a Crusade for Control

critics charge that the White House is embarking on a crusade to replace expert judgment in federal agencies with political calculation, to marginalize or eliminate longtime civil servants, to change laws without going through Congress, to silence dissenting views within the government, and to centralize decision-making in the White House.

Miasma of Madness

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In the season when furtive elements within American society practiced assassination by killing earnest servers M. L. King and R.F. Kennedy, thereby helping wreck the common hopes and dreams for most Americans, this writer was a young attendant at the local State hospital. No ordinary hospital it was. Back then, the shattered souls ejected from…

Culture of Mass Denial Encounters Cognitive Dissonance

by: Jonathon V / July 3rd, 2003 Why are most Americans unwilling to question the U.S. Government’s shabby cover story for Sept. 11th? The short answer: because denial of the truth is easier than confrontation. In the Culture of Mass Denial crafted by the US Government the sleepers, or sheep, will sometimes lash out violently…