Esempio Perfetto: HOW & WHY, REAL, LIVING Men Live Life!
UN-like you filthy, SUB-human, SLAVE trash that are wearing your compliance muzzles and now locked into your “vaccines” and in-DOCTOR-nation terrorism industry!
SansMemetics... where unauthorized thought thrives and the status-quo dies!
UN-like you filthy, SUB-human, SLAVE trash that are wearing your compliance muzzles and now locked into your “vaccines” and in-DOCTOR-nation terrorism industry!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”” css=”.vc_custom_1618574802575{margin-bottom: 45px !important;}”][vc_column_text]so YES… by all means you filthy, collectivist / communitarian, SUB-human trash… keep obeying your filthy religion of “authority” (aka “government), “experts” (aka scientism religion trash)… and keep wearing your compliance muzzles (“masks”), physical distancing and sanitizing everything! ALL of that will 100% lower your immune system, degenerate your soul and…
I know what I am going to say now is likely to “offend” some people and it really isn’t meant to. It’s an observation and what I have been feeling for a while now and has come to a head today with the advertising of the new film by the “freedom fighters”. Firstly I want…
“The task of our next generation is to put the U.S. under our jurisdiction / management… the U.S. House of Representatives CAN BE controlled…”
This type of censorship alone has created an “awakening” among the general population, as many people have become quite aware of it, especially a large part of the scientific community.
This is truly a bombshell story when you understand the full implications of it, yet major media likely will not touch it.
Leaked video evidence of film crew manufacturing the 100% Fraud of “Front-Line” workers, “heroes” and the 100% fiction of “contagious diseases” / contagions via Israel.
A book entitled “a Brave New Future, 2084, Bitcoin” was published in November of 2019. The book predicted that they would use a pandemic to destroy the world economy and usher in the “NWO-please” [read details below]. The Author states that the primary purpose for writing this book was to alert people to what…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] This is just more COLD-HARD TRUTH and evidence that YOUR – NOT my – “elites” and their filthy CORPSE-orations hate you, hate your family, neighbors and humanity in general. I say “YOURS” rather than “my” or “ours” because people like me utterly reject ALL forms of “collectivism”, group-think/behavior, and systems of belief (aka “ANY…