The is no such thing as a Democratic Party (nor your TV’s “democracy”/demon-crazy) constitutionally. It is a strawman to cover for the terrorists known as the Republican Party, which by the way… does not constitutionally exist!”
If this offends the “liberal progressives”, then you are one of the lost souls that needs to hit bottom before you can see the real truth. Remember the footprints of the Christed-Being / Buddha… as he will carry you through the darkest of times.
Just know that Christ-Consciousness / Logos (λόγος) / the Tao/Dao (道) has not left you!
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You left him, and he is awaiting you to come back home.
Luke 15:11
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Know KNOW these COLD-HARD-FACTS about the “Democrats” (aka “Demon-CRAZY-trash“)
- Democrats removed Christ and ALL Spirituality from their Democratic platform
- Democrats support killing the unborn. 70,000,000 since Row Vs Wade. Even in the third trimester.
- Democrats supported slavery, segregation, Jim Crow Laws and founded the KKK.
- Democrats opposed the Civil Rights of 1865 and 1965.
- Democrats opposed the voting rights for “Blacks” in 1880.
- Democrats opposed women’s voting rights in 1920.
- Democrats supported leaving the Union, thus created a Civil War killing 600,000 Americans.
- Democrats supported WWI, Democrat President Woodrow Wilson. 115,516 died.
- Democrats supported WWII Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 418,000 Americans died, 60 million total.
- Democrats supported the Korean War, Democrat President, Harry S. Truman, nearly 5,000,000 died.
- Democrats supported the Vietnam War, Democrat President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. 58,000 Americans died.
- Democrats supported sex education for elementary children and gender equity.
- Democrats supported the JAB for Covid-19 and the death count, unknown.
- Democrats supported burning down police departments.
- Democrats supported Black Lives Matter. The opposite of MLK “I have a dream.”
- Democrats support men in women’s sports.
- Democrats support the theft of store property up to 1,000.
- Democrats support shutting down free speech.
- Democrats oppose the death penalty but support the killing of the unborn.
The two party system exists no more than having 98 other parties that man has unconstitutionally added to the Constitution.
it was said / promised that this so-called “nation” is a “constitutional republic” and that the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God is what the “rules” are to be…. ruled by TRUE Law, under God, and NOT thje filthy whims, beliefs, feelings and opinions of filthy politicians and sociopaths in Black dresses on a wannabe thrown!!
The unconstitutional two-party system has been created to divide the people so that they are more easily conquered, period! There is no strawman!
When it comes down to who is the responsible party, only the people that allow this nonsense to continue are to blame (Hosea 4:6).
The “right,” as they call themselves, only complain of what it is that they are guilty of doing or tolerating.
In conclusion, If the “right” was doing the right thing all of the time, there would be no left (strawman).
Americans, YOUR sins are finding YOU out. The strawman does not exist, REPENT/meditate.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media. Article by Bradlee Dean.