So we’ve known that every aspect of our lives is being run by criminals, right?
And maybe the greatest power they have over us is their ability to keep robbing and poisoning us right in front of our faces. It’s as if mankind is under some kind of spell…Gee I wonder if we could somehow get out from underneath that spell, look the criminals right in the eye, and say, “Can you show me your papers, please? You know, the ones that allow you to break the law again and again. (Pause, while the individual pulls out some certification.) No, not those papers…those are fraudulent and have no bearing on God’s people in God’s universe. Since you don’t have any, I’m going to show you the papers I have on you. Now, do you want to execute God’s will at this point or shall I call the authorities and haul you off to prison?”
Believe it or not, this conversation happens through Common Law in courtrooms all over the world and we never hear about it. Because every judge is a criminal. I’ll repeat that for those in the back…EVERY judge is a criminal. They are all guilty of tax evasion, just like Al Capone, Martha Stewart, and Willie Nelson.
A group of attorneys presented their evidence this last week and I was lucky enough to see the picture play out like a blockbuster movie causing my heart to race faster than Usain Bolt at the Olympics. The grift goes like this: — every court case that comes before a judge creates a bond that is sold. That bond becomes a security. The security makes income for the court. Who files the paperwork with the IRS for the income that results from that bond? And if that income is not declared by the judge, can an attorney file a 1099A form to acquire an interest in property that is security for the debt, since the property was abandoned? And if that 1099A form is filed along with a UCC 1 establishing that income was received without reporting it to the IRS by said attorney, then doesn’t that attorney have that judge over a barrel? In the past, judges have run out of the courtroom while other judges have just complied and done whatever the aggrieved party has asked for. But what if the attorney had God’s interest at heart? What if the attorney has had enough of the evil they see play out before them and says, I’m standing up for all humanity?
That’s where we are headed my friends. There…do you feel a little bit better now about the coming apocalypse? Lol.
Seriously though, consider the fact that in my fledgling Common Law journey of 3 years, I have been able to expose the fraud of banking by discharging debt, the fraud of income taxes by operating out of an irrevocable trust and getting dollar for dollar back from the IRS for every purchase I make, the fraud of the court system by making it all the way through the Supreme Court of the US to get to the International Court of Law to force the State of California to record my land patent thus proving we can own title to property. By taking title of the all caps name, I have thwarted the efforts of any rogue police officer that could try to rope me into his jurisdiction by getting a passport with 4 stars on it meaning, “Do Not Detain.” Also by owning title to myself as a Secured Party Creditor, the Constitution actually applies to me and anyone including the State of California who tries to violate those rights, will be met with a tort claim…the State currently being on the hook for $2 Million for failing to record my land patent.
All of this moves at a snail’s pace and requires the patience of Job, which I don’t have. I’m really just lucky enough to have the time to do what I can and the love in my life to be able to continue.
I was talking with a brother this morning about the phase of our live’s post midlife crisis. I was saying that when people ask me if I’m retired, my mind goes blank, like I don’t know how to get beyond the cultural pathology of being put out to pasture once you’ve reached a certain age. I’m working harder now and with more purpose than I’ve ever worked in my life. Hell, these are the golden years and an answer to every movie where the character asks, If I had known then, what I know now. This is an opportunity, a golden opportunity to fix the wrongs that I have exercised on others and most importantly to myself. When I make amends to others, I’m making amends to myself. I need that. The guilt is just too much for me. I can’t live without breaking the cycle of abuse and power.
A few of the amazing stories that jumped out at me this week:
YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki proudly admits to censoring information on COVID in front of the WEF. Old footage is coming up as a result of her cancer death last week. There is a particularly telling moment where she laughs at those who dared to say that 5G was the cause of Covid. Besides the obvious irony of her own death related to following the State protocol, it struck me that people often die of cancer because they do the bidding of the enemy rather than stand up against it. Susan was a faithful minion for sure.
Oliver Anthony, musician, and author of Rich Men North of Richmond, went viral for his incredible down to earth video of what we do next. I won’t trivialize it by summarizing the poetry of the 18 minutes, but it’s worth a view when you want to be uplifted.
Scott Ritter emphasizes what Israel has become: —“I don’t know when was the last time 500 American Citizens stormed the state prison saying we need to be allowed in to rape the prisoners cause we’re permitted to under our religious beliefs?”
In light of former Minnesota Governor and Wrestling Superstar Jesse Ventura endorsing Kamala Harris for President, it’s fun to take a look back at the theater of Alex Jones “enlightening” Jesse on the globalists agenda to use the medical industry and vaccines as a way to control the world and exercise their depopulation agenda. We can now see how controlled opp. works. Jesse was paid then and he’s paid now. So was Alex. If they are paid to control the narrative, are you ever getting “the truth?”
Face masks being banned in public…oh the irony!
New Zealand and McDonalds kickback schemes. New Zealand has airlines give people free apples on the flight in, only to charge them a $200 fine at customs for bringing fruit into the country illegally. McDonalds knowingly, purposely, creates ice cream machines that break down routinely to force franchise owners to hire McDonalds sponsored technicians to “fix” the problem.
I hope you are experiencing the joy of the “Aha” moment. From there we have so many places we can go, right? We can love others and love ourselves. We can make amends if we want to. We can fix our inexplicably tortured golf games, lol. Whatever you do with it, I’m with you in spirit!
Song of the Week:
Bonus Song:
The mix you didn’t know you needed:
Back in Black mixed with Stayin Alive
original article by: Jeff Witzeman |@jeffwitzeman