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What is so-called “Paper Terrorism”? Well, when doing a quick internet search, with no lack of surprise to this Author, we find the top/first result links to the status quo’s “bible” of: 1.) Wikipedia which is then followed by a link to the Un-Clean Handed 2.) Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) then, 3.) NBC News Washington (D.C.), 4.) then again back to an article by the SPLC with their fictitious/legalese and oxy-moronic term of “Sovereign Citizen” in the article’s title, and skipping over the 5th and 6th links/results we find 7.) a link to the propagandistic, BAR member organization of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
So, looking at propagandistic “Wikipedia” regarding “paper terrorism”, we find it claims the usual drivel rife with oxymoronic terms used by schizophrenics:
“paper terrorism” is a neologism term referring to the use of false liens, frivolous lawsuits, bogus letters of credit, and other legal or pseudo-legal documents lacking sound factual basis as a method of harassment against an opponent on a scale described as evocative of conventional armed terrorism. These methods are popular among some American anti-government groups and those associated with the redemption movement.
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_terrorism
Neologism (n.) 2: a new word that is coined especially by a person affected with schizophrenia and is meaningless except to the coiner, and is typically a combination of two existing words or a shortening or distortion of an existing word. ~ Merriam Webster
Firstly, this term “frivolous” in the everyday vernacular terms means: “not having any serious purpose or value”. Well, too bad for this terroristic Mark Pitcavage, all court/bank documents, presentments, bonds, docket entries, “bills”, coupons, statements, etc., … even Hallmark™ cards, are in fact and in deed lawfully and legally “Negotiable Instruments” and “monetizable”. Just go research the Uniform Commercial Code(UCC) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). So, with that fact, the SPLC’s, ADL’s, Mark’s and the filthy BAR Association’s claims and propagandistic lies made through their filthy Wikipedia is ABSOLUTE propaganda.
Next where “FILTHYpedia” mentions: “legal or pseudo-legal documents” …. Too bad there is IN FACT and IN DEED a difference between “Legal” and “Lawful”. Especially TRUE Law which is Natural Law as we can find expressed in the “the law of Nations” by: Emerich de Vattel (1758) as well as numerous other time-honoured writings such as the Bible.
EXCERPT: “Nations being composed of men naturally free and independent, and who, before the establishment of civil societies, lived together in the state of nature,—nations or sovereign states are to be considered as so many free persons living together in the state of nature”. ~“the law of Nations” by: Emerich de Vattel (1758)
So, let them stick with their UN-natural “legalities” and the COMMERCIAL-PAPER terrorism THEY engage in on a daily basis in their business of human trafficking and extortion, money laundering and so on.
Next, “FILTHYpedia” talks about: “harassment against an opponent”. Well, too bad the propagandistic terrorist Mark and his co-conspirators fail to mention the fact that it is always the BAR members and men and women Acting Under Color of Law, using Administrative Agencies calling themselves “courts” who are almost always the ones that initiate the controversies as that is IN FACT the lifeblood of and their “industry”.
Then we see this… “American anti-government groups” … which, yet again, is nothing but a meaningless and baseless term. “govern/governo” simply means to “control” and “ment” is Latin for “mind”. So, “government” does in fact mean “mind-control”. Thus, as scripture — which the filthy terrorist Mark hates and wars upon — we know of the verse…
“Unto us a Son is Born and the Government Shall Rest Upon His Shoulders”.
~ Isaiah 9:6
Now what that is talking about is not some character of “Jesus of Nazareth”, who was born in a manger… What that means as that all men born unto this earth have a head on their shoulders and in that head is a “mind” for them to control and self-govern themselves with their own “government” and not some foreign agents in the District of Criminals (D.C.) or in some so-called “State Capitol” or some corrupt County or local municipality.
So, this term “anti-government”? To this Author, the private “I AM”/“me”… d/b/a 王狮子 (Wáng ShīZi) / joseph-eric, it is one of the filthiest, most criminalistic and terroristic terms that their organizations use because, in fact and in deed, I am one of the biggest proponents for very “Big Government”. Problem for the likes Mark is, I do have a “big head” on my shoulders, and I do in face have an “inflated sense of self” and thus, my “government” is massive.
Finally, in that second paragraph from this “FILTHYpedia” propaganda piece, they have this part saying… “filing reports with the Internal Revenue Service falsely accusing their political enemies of having unreported income”.
Interesting choice of words in this piece of propaganda! “Political enemies” you say? This is a blatant tactic of the terrorists like Mark. This is a tactic called “Divide and Conquer” or Marxist “Thesis, Antithesis and Solution” as expressed in the Hegelian Dialectic.
In summary you see, Mark, the BAR Associations, Judges Associations, the ADL, SPLC etc., they all fail to mention the fact that this is not anything to do about “politics” — which is the bane of man’s existence just like religion is the opiate of the masses — or “left vs. right”, “Democrat vs. Republican”. What it is about is about standing on the real/true law which is Natural Law, and the rights/rites granted to all men/women to be the Executors and Stewards of their own private Estates which were granted to them by the Mist-High, Creator of All/God/上帝, and NOT ANY form of so-called “government” … all in stark contrast to Mark’s filthy and terroristic ideology of PUBLIC and COMMERCIAL or some sociopathic WEF ideology of a “merger of Public and Private”.
With Peace and the Divine Grace, as a Spirited Pacifist,
i leave you with your Creator’s Blessings and the Lord’s Prayer…
“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen”.
authored and executed without the United States [28 USC § 1746 (1)],
on the 2nd day of the 9th month of 2024 (current Æra)
by: the private “I AM” / “me”…d/b/a 王狮子 (Wáng ShīZi) / joseph-eric
Non-Registered, Authorized Representative/Agent for the Represented PERSON(s)/business name(s):
All Rights Reserved [UCC § 1-308] with Irrevocable Power of Attorney