the Strawman Does Not Exist! No One to Blame But YOU!

The is no such thing as a Democratic Party (nor your TV’s “democracy”/demon-crazy) constitutionally. It is a strawman to cover for the terrorists known as the Republican Party, which by the way… does not constitutionally exist!”

Architect of the Capitol – a “Sovereign Citizen” – Accused of Ethics Violations

A federal watchdog has accused what some may refer to as a “Sovereign Citizen” known as the “Architect of the Capitol” of ethics violations over an offer to provide tours to “patrioTARDS” weeks before the November 2020 election as well as felonies and misdemeanors.


Following PR Crisis, PayPal Again Updates TOS Hoping You Won’t Notice

The Filthy, SUB-species, fascist, tyrants at PayPal… which is run by vile, inauthentic-corporate-male/female trash are at their terrorism again. And as far as PR crises go, PayPal and their filthy urbanite “elite”, fancy-pants college degree holding trash have gotten their mind-rot, scum asses into quite the predicament.

VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door

I, a living man and Father, have my Daughter and her Mother trapped over there. Because of you filthy, SUB-species “hue-mans” (aka “monsters” / “creatures) that believe in and obey your filthy religions of “authority” (“government” and “experts) and scientism… I have NOT seen them for nearly three (3) years now!