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For those out there that have their mind, body, and spirit – “Holy Trinity” — intact, as spirited, pacifistic beings walking around with the eyes to see and the ears to hear in possession of a “balanced/Yin-Yang” (阴阳) of the sacred masculine and sacred feminine within, it might be who of thee to engage in an “Action of Ejectment” [1] of this now out in the open rotting corpse known as the “western world’s” violent and barbaric ideology and religiosity of credentialism, [2] corporatism/corporatocracy, and its 20th Century invention of “careerism”. [3]
Including, but not limited to, this corpse’s miasma of madness known as the UN-natural, UN-godly, and UN-clean handed [filthy] codes, statutes, regulations, mandates, etc., all of which are found in their corporate “U.S. Code”, which is commercialized through their Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and then enforced — at gunpoint — through their Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). And I won’t even mention the “constitution” as… “It’s just a god damn piece of paper”. ~ George W. Bush. Plus, my constitution are my Sui Generis 46 chromosomes.
I say this as what could be called an “American Orientalist” akin to Duncan Black MacDonald (1863-1943), because upon ejectment of this blatant barbarism and barretry [4] which is akin to the tale of “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” (علي بابا والأربعون لصا) and fits the definition of “International Terrorism” [18 U.S. Code], upon ejectment of all the filthy and degenerative FALSE sciences such as “virology”, “germ theory”, [5] their repugnant so-called “race” and “political sciences”, etc., One will IN FACT and IN DEED find that upon looking to the only True Law, as expressed in works such as the “Law of Nations” by Emerich de Vattel (1758) and which is Natural Law/Natural Sciences which mirror Yahweh/Christ-God/Allah/Buddha/etc., One can Observe (v.) /look at ➢ Question (v.) ➢ Hypothesize (v.) ➢ Experiment (v.) ➢ and then Conclude (v.) as TRUE (n.) or FALSE (n.) …which is the very definition of the “Scientific Method”, as “actions (verbs) speak louder than words (nouns) and where we find the truths in such disciplines as chemistry with “Free Radicals” [6], the “Law of Entropy”, [7] the “Ebb & Flow” as per Hydroponics and so on.
Therefore, and to get to the crux of this piece, it should be known that what originally started out being formed by the five (5) the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — herein “BRICS” — with its headquarters in this Author’s other “abode” at Shanghai China (上海中国), is now seemingly becoming something much greater whereas, as of this writing on the 21st of January (current Æra), the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, have now been added and thus making ten (10) nations now.
Now, we can say that it is blatantly self-evident that this exponential and accelerated growth with the inclusion of new member nations is largely based upon resistance to the barbarism, the international terrorism, and the co-conspiratorial direct and/or proxy “Art and Part” [8] crimes and behavior patterns of the “Occidental” (a.k.a. “fallen”), “New World” of the so-called “West” and to one degree or another, through the circumstances that were created by the two (2) conflicts they created — first the Ukraine war and secondly, the genocide in Gaza.
Thus, BRICS, which is overarchingly in the “oriental” (a.k.a. “rising”) “Old World” or “Eastern” sphere, has IN FACT and IN DEED become a corporeal and incorporeal body and economical coalition that through various Mergers of Titles (“Merger Doctrine), and estates being in “Fee-Simple”, compacts and treaties, etc., now operates in concert to establish a de facto and even de jure parallel organizational order which maintains the willful intent and purpose of rivaling and bringing about the inevitable collapse of the SWIFT payment system and the fiction built upon the illusion of scarcity known as “The Trust” (i.e., “In God We Trust” / Federal Reserve Notes) and collapsing all the various and related criminal organizations involved in human trafficking — via their terroristic “Buck Act” (1940) — such as “The Trust Company” (“Cede & Company”), the “Corporation Service Company” (CSC), which was allegedly founded on the 1st of January of 1899 [circa. last “reset” Æra] and is UN-surprisingly yet another criminalistic “Delaware Corporation” formed under the “Delaware General Corporation Law” [Title 8, Chapter 1 of the Delaware Code] which governs corporate law in the so-called “U.S.” and which was also — by pure “coincidence” — adopted in 1899.
NOTE: In 1940 the Buck Act was passed and paved the way for states (small “s”) to become States (“big “S”) to become incorporated under the corporate rules and bylaws of the United States, Inc. (the District). From that we get the STATE OF NEW YORK, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, STATE OF VIRGINIA, STATE OF YOU-NAME-IT, which are all just franchises deriving their existence — i.e., “funding” — via the United States, Inc., and subject to its UN-constitutional regulatory dictates and becoming responsible for the U.S. Debt.
Further, the “CSC” also claims to be in the so-called “industries” of… acting as “registered agent”, i.e., “Law of Agency” [9] which, via their “Words of Art” and Legalese trickery, is NOT to be confused by the with the common law doctrine of “Agency Law” [10]. Further, they also claim to be in the so-called “industries” of “corporate governance”, “corporate compliance”, “domain names” the repugnant ideology of “intellectual property management”.
Now while it can be quite a difficult — even for those skilled in gathering “Open Source Intelligence” (OSINT) — to find the name of the Company that actually owns and operates the Vatican, the City of London and the District of Columbia (D.C.), it remains a fact that when looking at their UN-clean-handed legalese terms of “then” and “now”, that it can be anything… “provided that the terms “doing business as” or “d/b/a/” is denoted”. So, for those with the knowing that a “Doing Business As” is also called a “Trade Name” and that a “Trade Name” is just a pseudonym used by companies not operating under their registered company name, but rather, their world of fiction/fictitious business name, the corporation that owns the District of Columbia, the City of London and the Vatican is presently the Corporation Service Company (CSC), with numerous DBAs and “shell companies” thereunder.
On a side note, in the spirit of expanding upon the above and in terms of the aforementioned “numerous DBAs and “shell companies”, don’t take this Author’s word for it all. Go ahead and look at the Corporation Service Company’s website at: cscglobal.com and then look at Dun & Bradstreet’s website at: dnb.com and tell yourself that the primary foundation of the two (2) logo’s design elements are not one in the same. With the only difference being that the primary element (which could be said to be the infinity symbol or the ouroboros symbol) is simply rotated 90°.
So, getting back to BRICS. Now they have three (3) from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) or four (4), if you are talking about OPEC plus. And with the inclusion of Egypt and Ethiopia into BRICS, now the Suez Canal is completely under BRICS jurisdiction and the Straits of Hormuz is basically also in the hands of BRICS. To boot, if the “Association of South East Asian Nations” (ASEAN) of Indonesia and Malaysia join BRICS, then we shall see the Straits of Malacca also come into the portfolio of BRICS. All of this essentially equates to all of the world’s most vital trade corridors, shipping lanes and most important ports being under the BRICS umbrella.
It is a well-established reality that BRICS is accumulating strategic assets by orders of magnitude every time they expand. With all of these assets being corralled into a single pool of resources that can be employed, deployed and/or utilized for the advancement of the overarching agenda of establishing an alternative world order that effectively neutralizes the systemic barbarity of the terroristic and global belligerent known as United States, Inc., and its Tripartite/“Axis of Evil” consisting of themselves in their so-called sovereign city-state of the “District of Criminals” (“D.C.”) and their co-conspirators in the other sovereign city-states of the “City of London” and “Vatican”.
In that, I, as Author, herein perceive that there is a serious caveat here. And in the spirit of “Caveat Emptor” (buyer beware), I suggest that the nails in the coffin of of the unipolar United States’ barbarity — whose days are seriously numbered — is all happening or rather, is endorsed by the more global oriented factions of the “Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital” (OCGFC), and ā la characters like the now dead piece of war-criminal trash Henry Alfred Kissinger. Because, and for now, it seems as if the OCGFC have “cosigned” and/or “underwritten” this. And I say this because my research indicates that this stems from the fact that the corporate and the financial “elites” of the world — much like this Author did decades ago — have transcended, un-natural and fictitious, man-made borders and things like that MAGA™/Trump ideology of “USA, USA, Build That Wall”!
However, unlike this Author, who has captured state/national power unto himself via knowing who and what he is and is not (i.e., “a nation unto thyself”) and being capable of self-governance by knowing he has a thinking head upon his shoulders (i.e., “unto us a son is born, and the government shall rest upon his shoulders) the sociopathic and terroristic OCGFC members have largely captured the power of the repugnant ideology “Nation-States” — which is NOT one in the same as a “Nation” — and are thus no longer beholden to any particular Nation-State or any particular external so-called “government” which again, this Author completely agrees with… just with a differential based upon intents and purpose, that is.
In essence, this means that the OCGFC has subsumed states, including the United States. And so, and perhaps Karmically speaking, the Occidental (“fallen”) “Western countries”, including America and the “American people”, are all now eligible for the same sort of predation and exploitation that was only previously reserved for the “Global South”, “the Third World” and/or “Developing World”. I say this, because I’ve studied their nature and behavior patterns for many years, and my intuition tells me that they’ve made their calculations, and have worked out what was “profitable” in the past. So now, the OCGFC believes they can apply that same “profitable approach” to the occidental/fallen collective of “the West”, seeing as it is undergoing a demographic nose-dive by not replenishing “workers” nor the asymmetric requirement of a “consumer pool”.
To put all this simply, for those actual “adults” out there that have the capacity to truly “think outside the box”, to study the behavior patterns of CULT(ures) like that of the OCGFC sociopathic class, it doesn’t take much to comprehend that in their “minds”, it doesn’t make any “business sense” to prioritize the dumb-downed “West” of fat, lazy, drugged out, free porn and bawl-team watching ‘Muricans, “Canadians”, Brits, etc. any longer. It doesn’t make “business sense” to placate to their creature comforts, relative privilege and their baby blankies called “safety and security” nor their so-called “quality of life”. It’s simply not “worth” protecting or preserving anymore. Also, and I whole-heartedly agree, it also doesn’t make any sense to have a single country like the United States, Inc. — with its filthy “American Exceptionalism” and “Gun Boy Culture” — violently dominating the globe, if for no other reason than the demographic imbalance.
See, and again back to Natural Law or… “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”… the true law states that “the future belongs to wherever the young people are”. And if you violently impose your agenda on those young people, you will alienate them and ultimately end up trying to hold an entire crowd at bay with a gun that only shoots blanks… and the crowd will bloody well know it!
So, another approach is necessary. Another strategy is necessary. And I am almost 100% certain that the Private Sector Power (i.e., the OCGFC) can see that. And they know that the only way forward for them is to collaborate with BRICS and basically undo their own manufactured crisis’ and “de radicalize” the conditions they created in the Middle East and the Global South. Because, in terms of violence and conflict, the tone is now being set by China (中国) largely. And China’s approach to international relations is one of harmony, collaboration and cooperation. Not violent domination and hegemonic consolidation of power which is traditionally the realm of the Occidental world lead by the United States, the U.K. and Vaticano and their proxy/client states such as Israel.
Just look at what recently (Jan. of 2024) happened between Iran and Pakistan. I held no “belief” that it would escalate and still don’t. Because, within the context of coordination, nobody and nothing got “taken out” except for “western assets” in those actions between Iran and Pakistan, and then… it was all over!
You can either remain asleep in your delusions of “exceptionalism” or wake up and face the writing on the wall which plainly reads … BRICS and Global South nations, are now circling their wagons around the rotting corpse of the Occidental world. You can wake up and take notice that the “controllers” of global financialized capital are desperately wanting to cooperate and collaborate with them in an attempt to co-opt, appropriate and insinuate themselves into having undue influence and essentially replicating and relocating their current system within it so as it can reemerge after the transition or what is commonly known as the “reset”.
All that there above is the thing that I worry about. I mean the deterioration of American power is not something I worry about. Rather it is something I advocate. It’s also not something I wonder about because it’s just the irreversible trajectory of the world. And while the cesspool known as “American politicians” may not realize it yet, it still stands “true” as opposed to “false”. They may not want to realize it or want to accept it, but I think many of them are now getting the memo. And that’s why you see the change in tone and the change in language by people like Blinken, who is himself a war-mongering “Project for a New American Century” (PNAC) Neo-Con.
Ultimately, what I see in the long-game, is that BRICS is going to increasingly morph into a Muslim-based and an ASEAN-based bloc. How could it not? The most vital natural resources belong to Muslim-BRICS-members. And seeing as China has serious demographic and other internal problems and Russia is a rapidly evaporating power, it could be illustrated that those two countries are building BRICS to serve as a “lifeline” for themselves. But, I don’t think it’s going to work out that way in the long run as both Russia and China will dramatically fade out in the last half of the 21st century. While on the other hand, Muslim power and influence will just continue to grow. Whether One likes it or not, Muslims are the youngest demographic and the most, cohesive global identity group.
So, what’s being built now by BRICS, in terms of economic and political cooperation, integration, solidarity and harmonious, orchestrated regional policy, will eventually become a system that Muslims and S.E. Asian Nations (much of which is also Muslim) will inherit. And functionality of it will likely resemble — in many ways — the classic decentralized, coordinated power system that mankind had for 1,400 years.
The Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital (OCGFC) do not have an ideology, or anyway, ideology does not guide their decisions. However, nations and populations do have ideologies, and this is where the OCGFC’s “think tanks” come in.
Think tanks function to translate the pursuit of narrow self-interest by the OCGFC into ideologically and philosophically justifiable policies that can camouflage their actual purpose, because most people — including people within the so-called “deep state”, cannot endorse policies that blatantly serve the wealth accumulation and power consolidation of the OCGFC.
Most normal people, including people in government, have some form of moral belief system, some form of ideology; be that religious, nationalistic, or what have you. Therefore, the greed and lust for power of the owners and controllers of global financialized capital must be clothed in moral or patriotic rationales.
That is what think tanks do; whether it is the Heritage Foundation, Brookings Institution, or the World Economic Forum.
These organizations do not set policy, they simply translate the desires of the OCGFC into the language of policy.
[1] EJECT. To cast, or throw out; to oust, or dispossess; to put or turn out of possession. 3 Bl. Comm. 198, 199, 200. See Bohannon v. Southern Ry. Co., 112 Ky. 106, 65 S. W. 169. | see your: Black’s Law 2nd Ed.
[2] credentialism (n.): Overemphasis on diplomas or degrees in giving jobs or conferring social status. | source: American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
[3] “I think careers are a 20th-Century invention, and I don’t want one.” | ~ Christopher McCandless — “Into the Wild” (2007)
[4] BARRETRY: In criminal law. The act or offense of a barretor, usually called “common barretry.” The offense of frequently exciting and stirring up suits and quarrels, either at law or otherwise. | ~ Black’s Law 2nd Ed.
[5] Germ Theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. It states that microorganisms known as pathogens or “germs” can cause disease. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germ_theory_of_disease
[6] Free Radicals: In chemistry, a radical, also known as a free radical, is an atom, molecule, or ion that has at least one unpaired valence electron. With some exceptions, these unpaired electrons make radicals highly chemically reactive. Many radicals spontaneously dimerize. Most organic radicals have short lifetimes. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_(chemistry)
[7] entropy: is a scientific concept that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty. The term and the concept are used in diverse fields, from classical thermodynamics, where it was first recognized, to the microscopic description of nature in statistical physics, and to the principles of information theory. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy
[8] ART AND PART. In Scotch law. The offense committed by one who aids and assists the commission of a crime, but who is not the principal or chief actor in its actual commission. Accessary. A principal in the second degree. | ~ Black’s Law 2nd Ed.
[9] Law of Agency: is an area of commercial law dealing with a set of contractual, quasi-contractual and non-contractual fiduciary relationships that involve a person, called the agent, that is authorized to act on behalf of another (called the principal) to create legal relations with a third party. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_agency
[10] Agency Law: the common law doctrine controlling relationships between agents and principals | https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/agency