Have a small to medium sized, family/partner run business? Getting devastated by this “coved19” PLANEDemic and sociopathic, tyrannical government’s so-called “orders”? Here is how the living man/woman “opens back up”…
1.) Totally reject the religion that you are a “citizen”, “resident”, “licensed”, “permit holder” etc. and LEARN how and why being in the state of a “Living Man / Woman” makes YOU your own ruler and NOT the evil religion of government/”authority”!
2.) Network with other private business in your community and defend and support each other from the order following tyrants in clown uniforms with badges and guns and their parasitical, war criminal politician FALSE “elites”.
Video features: MOI! (Eric Bochene), Larken Rose & Douglas “fuck your rights” Ducote
Larken’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/LarkenRose
Douglas’ channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCidw9vuO3Mu5VXnUMFc1H0g
Shout outs to: #LarkenRose, Brian at #HighImpactVlogs, #KoryManX, Jeff Berwick at the Dollar Vigilante https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDollarVigilante, Matt at: #QuantumofConscience https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA3tbHe2O7q0ryWamx696fA #KoryManX
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