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Man, the “INDIVIDUAL” Living-Being, with his Creating Spirit, is ALWAYS More Important Than and Stands-Over ANY Established Styles or Systems:
Just as this Author was, Bruce Lee (李振藩), from a very young age was a rebellious thinker with a keen awareness that man’s obsessive compulsive disorder of a “systems-based approach” to virtually all aspects of life and living and, his establishment and institutionalization of such “systems”, all too often restrict the full development of a spirited/Qi/气 (‘vapor’, ‘air’, or ‘breath’) being having a corporal and temporal experience in the body of a man — be it male or female.
So, in regards to this, and the terms of “spirit/Qi”, let’s look at some of the “Western” or, “Occidental” (from present participle of occidere “fall down, go down”, see: occasion) realm’s scriptures, and specifically, two (2) versions/translations of Genesis 2:7.
“The Lord God also made the man of the dust of the ground,
and breathed in his face breath of life, and the man was a living soul”.
~ Genesis 2:7 (Geneva Bible)
“And ‘the name’ [השם/Hashem], ‘gods/godhood’. [אלוהים/Elohim] formed the ‘adam’ [אדם/adám/male given name] of the ‘ash’ [אפר/aphar] ‘sex’ [מין/min] ‘land’ [האדמה/haadamah], and breathed into his nostrils the ‘life’ [חיים/nishmat] ‘soul’ [נשמת/chayyim]; and the adam became a ‘psyche’ [נפש/nefesh] ‘anonymous’ [אנונימי/chayyah].”
~ Genesis 2:7 (Orthodox Jewish Bible)
(a.k.a. “the Torah”, “the Pentateuch”, etc.)
So, in other words…
“the name, gods/godhood formed the adam/male/given-name of the ash–sex–land, and breathed into his nostrils and, the life–soul and the adam became a psyche anonymous”.
…Interesting! Especially “anonymous“!
Anyways, and back to this “Individual vs. System” topic and Bruce Lee/李振藩, one event that sparked this questioning was the discrimination he faced at his Kung Fu school in Hong Kong. He was ultimately kicked out of that school because he wasn’t “100% Chinese”. He learned that the institution favored an arbitrary rule over his passionate devotion to study martial arts. This made no sense to him, even as a young man.
Bruce Lee eventually called classical martial arts styles “organized despair” (有组织的绝望) because he felt that the rigidity of the styles limited people from discovering themselves and their personal style of martial arts.
“Why Do You as an Individual Depend on Thousands of Years of Propaganda? Ideals, Principles, the ‘What Should Be’ Leads to Hypocrisy”:
He said, “you do not have to become a robot” (你不必成为一个机器人), in any system. In the beginning stages, it is okay to figure out who you are, what you’re into. While doing so it is important to be your best self and be in harmony. Only then you begin to listen and become in tune to what truly speaks to your heart and not the system.
“Man is Constantly Growing, and When He is Bound by a Set Pattern of Ideas or ‘Way’ of Doing Things, That’s When He Stops Growing”:
After years of classical study, Bruce Lee developed his own martial way called “Jeet Kune Do” (截拳道; “way of the intercepting fist”). Though Lee enjoyed teaching others the discoveries he had made, he recognized that as soon as he defined the style to others, it was in danger of becoming dogma. Lee wanted every student of martial arts to discover what works for them and to develop their own styles. This approach requires one to spend a lot of time studying one’s own thoughts, body and energy.
“In Solitude One is Least Alone. Make Good Use of it”:
When One is alone, One is with Oneself and with One’s own thoughts. It’s when One is alone that One can truly assess Oneself.
Take Action: Try an exercise of being alone with yourself without distraction. Identify what systems you’re a part of right now, and are they serving you? What ideas, values, and interests come up for you when you’re alone? Write down the thoughts that come to you when you’re alone. Are your thoughts and values in sync with any institution you’re a part of?
more on the ‘adam’ [אדם/adám/male given name]
אדם • (adám)
- (biblical) Adam.
- a male given name
Etymology 1
Comparable to Phoenician (“man, earthling”), Ugaritic 𐎀𐎄𐎎 (ảdm, “man; red earth, red ochre”), Old South Arabian (“vassals, subjects”), Ge’ez ዶም (“slave”), Akkadian 𒀀𒁕𒄠𒈬 (a-da-am-mu /adamu/, “blood”), Akkadian 𒀀𒁕𒈠𒌈 (a-da-ma-tum/adamātu/, “dark red earth or dye”), Akkadian 𒀀𒁕𒈬 (a-da-mu /adamu/, “a red garment”), Akkadian 𒀀𒁕𒈬 (a-da-mu /adamu/, “an important or noble person”). The meaning range points to these words being extensions from Proto-Semitic *dam- (“blood”), compare the Palestinian Aramaic forms of it אדם / אידם / ܐܕܡ (ʾəḏem, “blood”). The meaning development could be any of the following: “blood” → “red earth”, “red ochre” → “earthling”;
- “blood” → “man”, as blood is a main ingredient of humans;
- “blood” → “red earth”, “red ochre” → “the dye to paint idols” → hence “an idol” → “an effigy, a likeness” → “a man”;
- “blood” → “blood sacrifice to appease an idol” → hence “an idol” → “an effigy, a likeness” → “a man”;
- “blood” → “red” → “to show red blood in the face, e.g. to blush” → “a human”.
Compare Arabic دُمْيَة (dumya, “statue, idol; effigy, likeness; doll, puppet”), دَمَّ (damma, “to bedaub”).
אָדָם • (adám) m [pattern: קָטָל]
אָדָם לְאָדָם זְאֵב ― adám l’adám z’év ― Man is a wolf to man. (cf. homō hominī lupus)