the Gregorian Calendar/CoB (Certificate of Birth) is a TIME MACHINE
by: Eric: Bochene | | on the alleged date of 02 Dec. 2022
According to WikiPedia – the “bible” of the filthy, knuckle-dragging, “members of the global public” (a.k.a. “cesspool”) – “Time travel is the concept of movement between certain points in time, analogous to movement between different points in space by an object or a person…”
source: WikiPedia
Now, according the Chinese (lunar) Calendar the year is 4720 and, according to the Jewish (lunar) calendar, the year is 5783. That means “they” – the “captains” of the filthy DEBT/DEATH-based globalist/terrorism system – are 3761 years in the “future” when compared to the “Christian” calendar being the year 2022.
source: WikiPedia
Now… Imagine how easy it would be to control the present moment if you were able to control all “historical” events.
“He who controls the past, controls the future; and he who controls the present, controls the past.”
― George Orwell
And THAT is why i often state in the materials and notices i publish… “…as a spirited, self-governing and self-determined Pacifist, for convenience and consistency between the classic and modern worlds, ‘i’ am, as Author…”
Therefore, all One needs a mathematical mind… 5783 of 365 days in Gregorian timeline – used for NON-sensical, sociopathic, “civil” purposes – needs to be compared with the Julian calendar which is 13 days back in time… e.g today is December 2 in Gregorian but would be November 19 in Julian… the maths will the results for the years mentioned… The PRESENT is always the PRESENT regardless of YOUR filthy and global DEBT-DEATH-BASED legal/corporate fiction “society” and YOUR fictitious timelines!
That said… NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL ABD NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT and… Being WHOLE and possessing ABSOLUTE DOMINION (UN-like “common law” NOT recognizing) over One’s biological package/vessel/body is the only “majority” i, for One, recognize!
“And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole
need not a physician; but they that are sick.”
Luke 5:31
King James Version (KJV)