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Have you considered the four major political paradigms that are manifesting in America today? A careful look at these paradigms or “groups” will help you understand the dynamics of the flow of information, perception of news and corresponding beliefs as we move forward in the current (world war 3) situation.
I will address each group here but for the purposes of continuity with my previous work I will begin by turning your attention to what I call “group D”. In the chart below you will see the 4 groups (an arbitrary concept I created strictly for the purposes of illustrating the distinction between the 4 paradigms) and how they match up with each other in terms of core values, news source, who each group perceives as the main enemy and ultimately the element that most impacts that person’s perception of the news.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row margin_top=”35″ margin_bottom=”35″][vc_column][ultimate_info_table package_heading=”MAJOR PARADIGMS MANIFESTING TODAY IN AMERICA” heading_font_color=”#ffffff”]
GROUP | Fundamental Belief | Primary “News” / info. Source | Who / What is the Main “Enemy”? | Primary Element Guiding Perception of “Reality” |
A |
God, America, Truth, Freedom, Constitution | Patriot/ Rightwing, GOP Alternative, Independent |
Deep state, Globalists CCP, Muslim Brotherhood, Blood lines, Democrats, RINOS |
Trump’s online research project, Logical Independent thought, Independent Research, Faith in God |
B |
God, America, Truth, Freedom, Constitution | Rightwing/Patriot, GOP (Corporate Media) |
Democrats, CCP Muslim Brotherhood Deep state/Globalists |
Rightwing Media, Emotions, Optics Conservative values, Faith Conditioned response |
C |
Big Govt, Globalization, Race, Gender Politics, Endless War, America last | Corp / Social Media Fake News | Republicans, Whites Conservatives Christians, QAnon |
Repeated enemy propaganda Academia, Hollywood Conditioned response Emotions, hatred of opposition |
D |
Freedom, Liberty, Anarchy, Far-Right “Truthers”, Discovery |
Alternative, Independent Unverified, Sensational independent “news” platforms or personalities |
Government, Politicians, Jews, “Zionism” Blood lines, “Khazarian Mafia” Banking system |
Over-focus on bad guys Negativity, Pessimism Learned helplessness Emotions, Sensation |
As you can see there is a clear distinction between each of these paradigms and subsequent belief systems and once you fully recognize and understand these differences you will be able to navigate and recognize differences in opinions, perceptions and views when they occur. More importantly from an information war perspective this chart will prove even more valuable if you study and understand it. Understanding the nature of Trump’s online research project, the accomplishments of the Trump administration during the first 4 years and the evolution of the MAGA agenda during the period following the 11-3-20 steal will help immensely in understanding where we are now. It will also help you understand why those that turn against Trump and other America First Patriots do so. It will also help you understand how and why conveniently timed “new information” circulates at the hand of unverified sources that always seems to be damaging to other Patriots and their causes.
As an example of how (what I call) the “Group D” phenomenon works: Have you noticed that the underground (often not fully verified or unverified) “alternative media” (far Right, Anarcho-Libertarian leaning) always seems to target politicians on the Right much MORE than politicians on the Left? If you haven’t noticed this you may want to start paying closer attention. Since the underground media (as my chart above indicates) is primarily and often ONLY concerned with singling out the “BAD GUYS” and has NO positive message for the future, you might wonder what is the real agenda? First to be clear, obviously most participants in all these groups are likely well meaning and are unaware of how the group is being used. But in this case, is the purpose of this group [D] to undermine overall confidence in good potential candidates, our system, our police, military and rule of law? Discouraging others from voting or being active? Spreading pessimism and defeat? Spreading division? For example, blaming Jews and Israel for everything that is wrong with America and the world? (see my series on the rise of the Nazi ideology in America) Spreading outright disinformation to confuse and discredit others? All of these are possibilities and this only touches the surface on an information warfare that is very sophisticated.
Let’s examine another group like “Group C”. We are all familiar with this group. They are the Leftists and Liberals who unlike Group D (little or no government) believe in BIG government. The bigger the government and the more the “little people” are taxed, and the less freedom they have, according to the Left, the better we are. Group C follows the principles of Karl Marx, so whatever conveniences you give up in order to please the state is for “the greater good” of society. They want globalization, they hate conservative values (because being conservative means you are a hater or radicalized), patriotism (because patriotism means you are a “white supremacist”), freedom (because freedom means you are selfish) and independence.
Today, as you know, the Left has become so radicalized and so disconnected from the average working class American that they are not recognizable anymore. That’s because the Democrats are now the Marxists! The Marxists globalists infiltrated America over the past few decades. They infiltrated our schools and pushed their racists Critical Race Theory on our children. They also infiltrated Hollywood, our businesses, all levels of government, our courts, our financial and medical institutions, our universities and scientific institutions and anything you can think of. We are seeing the result of this deep infiltration now as they try to unleash their socialist Communist (Nazi-like) global order. Liberals see Patriots and Trump supporters as the biggest threat to their “democracy” because they believe the legacy corporate media or fake news which is controlled by the very corrupt ruling class that is struggling to stay in power.
I will continue to break down the various paradigms and demonstrate how these all mix in to what we observe to be the accepted narrative of things which lead to the debates and clashes. These verbal clashes and debates can often spiral into censorship, cancellations, personal attacks, lawsuits and even physical violence. All of these clashes are part of our modern day information war