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There’s a number of people who shall be named herein, and I do not know if all/were members of the Freemasons. However, they are all doing a job for NATO military intelligence in the disinformation, confusion, concealment, anxiety, fear-porn business and of course, the traditional porn business.
So, to start off, we should mention a few basic “rules of engagement”. Meaning, there is a covert war being waged by Switzerland upon the world. Predominantly speaking, it is a psychological war and it’s about what you “believe” because, your perception essentially becomes your reality.
See, my mom, she always told me that when my friends had lost their way and they were smoking weed or dropping acid, or doing inappropriate things that I was not comfortable with, I had to show them tough love. I had to tell them don’t do that. And if they persist, — which they generally do because nobody takes my advice — then I just walk away. So, and to this very day, when people go down the rabbit hole that I’ve warned them not to go down well, I’m older and wiser now, and I know I’m not going to waste my time.
Therefore, if people wish to continue getting gaslighted, and believe in false gods well, that is in fact“idolatry” and all about worshipping false gods that will be treacherous and betray you in the end. False gods that will lead you to the cremation oven and that will lead you to a Donald Trump “Freedom City” or, a Kamala Harris “Sanctuary City” or, an RFK Jr. Quarantine Camp. So, go right on ahead and follow these personalities at your own peril.
Now, that aside, let’s review the “red pill” vs. the “blue pill” and what I’m calling the “purple pill”. Everybody knows about the “red pill” and how it’s supposed to represent an “awakening” to the harsh and brutal reality or truth. It’s often described to be a shift toward a more “cynical” yet “realistic” perspective on the world in which you live. Then there’s the “blue pill”, which a lot of people think is Viagra.
Anyway. The blue pill represents a blissful ignorance choosing “comfort” over the uncomfortable, difficult, inconvenient truth. In that, I’d say that somewhere around 95% of the population is blue pilled. Meaning, that they’re tranquilized, that their anxiety has been neutralized through “entertainment”, drugs and electroshock treatments of our 5G, 6G, 7G blissful ignorance.
I can say all that with “authority”, since my neighbors cannot hear the airplanes, they do not see the pollution in the sky, they don’t see the chemtrails coming out of the backs of the McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extenders.
This of course includes the local Sheriff’s Department and TOWN POLIUCE who are the most blue-pilled, clueless, quota-driven, Masonic creeps on Earth.
So, now on to this “purple pill”, and yes, there is such a thing as it’s really the dominant pill of the so-called “alternative media”.
See, we have the “mass media”, and that’s divided between the manufactured fictions of “left” and “ right”. The so-called “liberals” and “conservatives”. Those are fence lines that are drawn to split the clueless sheep who are going to “vote” because they are proud “registered voters”. They’re going to vote for Kamala Harris, sugar baby of Willie Brown, and Montel Williams or, they’re going to vote for Donald Trump. The sponsor of porn star Stormy Daniels. The clueless sheep will either be a “Democrat” or a “Republican” and that includes RFK Jr. as it looks like he’s moving on over there to the Republican “side”.
This is all an illusion of course because, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are the same hologram. They’re the same person. They represent the same Swiss bank poppycock, balderdash and mendacity. They’re there to waste your time and get your vote.
So, you’re a compliant, clueless citizen of a Swiss bank “Hunger Games” because there is no “United States” and there is no “sovereignty”. You can’t be an insolvent, bankrupt country and expect to be making policy decisions about your “Hunger Games” district policies. The United States, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris and Robert Kennedy Junior have no influence, nor power whatsoever, over the policies of the “Hunger Games”.
They don’t control 5G towers, 60 terahertz millimeter waves, or the bio-digital convergence. They don’t control Geneva, Switzerland or NATO, they don’t control smart dust. They don’t even discuss any of it. So, are they red pilled? Are they blue pilled? Are they purple pilled? I’d say they’re in the purple category as they are 99% poppycock.
Granted, they’ll have a couple of topics that that various segments of the plebs personally agree with, and that’s how they’re going to shade the “vote”. But in any case, whoever the plebs vote for, they always end up as the big losers. Because, you’re a big loser if you vote. You’re a slave if you pledge allegiance to any filthy rag called a “flag”. You’re a slave if you stand for any propagandistic national anthem. You’re a profane, ignorant, clueless, augmented, 7G mesh network slave and a tool or a “useful idiot”.
Now the leader of the pack, for the younger generation these days, is Stew Peters. Stew is a professional actor. He came from Minneapolis, Minnesota. You know, where Jesse Ventura… Jesse the steroid body Ventura, wrestling star, United States Navy SEAL, etc. comes from? Now, ol’ Jesse, he never saw combat in Vietnam. Despite being a SEAL during the Vietnam War. But, he did join the “Mongols Motorcycle Club”, also known as the “Mongol Brotherhood” or “Mongol Nation”, which claims to be an international outlaw motorcycle club.
Aside from all the obfuscation, these “Mongols”, they do indeed deal in weapons, drugs and other various other thug activities related to trafficking. So, there’s Jesse Ventura. the Navy SEAL, participating in motorcycle trafficking operations. Not any different than Sonny Barger of the Hell’s Angels in the San Francisco Bay Area which, is part of the Haight-Ashbury, military, NATO, psychological operations whic brought you the Altamont Free concerts, the distribution of LSD and later cocaine.
Anyways, some first-hand knowledge from a friend who once went on a motorcycle ride with the now dearly departed Sonny Barger. My friend asked Sonny if he worked for free beer at the Altamont Free concert. Sonny smiled at him and said… “do you think we worked for $500.00 of free beer in December when it’s cold and windy”? My friend said… “no, I don’t think so”. So, Sonny said… “yeah, don’t ever believe what you read in the papers”. That’s what Sonny Barger told him. “Don’t believe what you read in the papers”. And that’s good advice. Because what you read in the papers is balderdash, bald faced lies, mendacity and poppycock.
See, this is the problem, people. If everything was just “red” vs. “blue”, “left” vs. “right” or, simply “yin” vs. “yang”, then the world will be a simple place, right? But it’s not. We live in what’s called the “the Shadow of the Black and Gray Latitudes”.
This is where private banking functions. This is where the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, working through Sand Hill Rd, working for BlackStone, located at 345 Park Avenue in Manhattan, or BlackRock, located at the Hudson Shipyards functions. You know, Black Rock with Larry Fink, and BlackStone with Stephen Schwartzman.
Indeed, they function within the “Black and Gray Latitudes”. Which means, what they do, you can’t see. But, you can see it if you walk around with the eyes to see in downtown San Francisco, downtown Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Rodeo Blvd., Santa Monica, the Upper West Side of Manhattan, downtown Chicago, downtown Dallas, etc.
You can see what the Black and Gray Latitudes are producing. They’re producing empty buildings, tents on sidewalks, homelessness, the destruction of restaurants, the destruction of corporate chain restaurants and more importantly family owned restaurants. You see the promotion of homelessness and poverty and the destruction of any kind of “community”. It’s like throwing a hand grenade into your living room and expecting everyone to come over for Thanksgiving. It’s just not going to happen.
You can’t throw rocket propelled grenades into people’s dining rooms and living rooms and expect there to be family gatherings for Thanksgiving or Easter or Christmas. Can’t do that. See, we had that with CovID PLANNEDemic (“covered ID”) which, produced the destruction of the family unit and the destruction of the family owned businesses.
Now back to Stew Peters. Peters is a cut-out/clone of Jesse Ventura. He even worked with Jesse Ventura’s son Tyrell. Fresh out of high school, Stew went out to Hollywood to get a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) membership which, I’m sure he still has. He’s a professional actor and “Drama Queen”. I don’t know if he received elocution lessons, but he is a complete and utter actor. So, this idea that he’s some kind of a “truther” is ridiculous. It is all an act.
Delving deeper, if One looks at who gets booked onto his show, you will find the likes of fake Doctor Jane Ruby and this fraud called “Brother Nathaniel”. See, the “Brother” is just a fake Christian. He is Jewish. His original born name is/was Nathanael Kapner and he lives in Frisco Colorado which, is code for the Aspen Institute. He puts on a Cossack robe and has a crucifix around his neck and tells you he’s a Christian Russian Orthodox. But the problem is, there’s no Orthodox temple anywhere near Frisco Colorado. Why doesn’t he pick a Christian Church that he could go to services? But he doesn’t. He picks a placed to be based out where he doesn’t have to go to church and doesn’t have to go to mass on Sunday.
Because see, he’s actually Jewish and he’s putting on a show to laugh in your face. If you’re a Christian, he’s laughing at you.
Now of course, good ol’ “Brother Nathaniel”, he’s appeared on the CIA asset’s Alex Jones’ show a number of times and of course recently, he has appeared on the Stew Peters show. He’s appeared with Tucker Carlson, who is another CIA asset.
Anyone who gets passed around between Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Stew Peters, Lex Friedman… just go down the list of all the clowns that are reminiscent cut-outs of characters like Ayn Rand, Cass Elliott, whose real name was Ellen Naomi Cohen, a little Jewish girl from Virginia who told you to “vote”. Yes, she said that on the “the Midnight Special“ on NBC while pitching voting to the marijuana smoking hippies. She sold everybody to vote in the early 1970s before they murdered her in the Mayfair district of west London.
Further, you will find modern day cutouts of characters like Gloria Steinem, who worked at the Playboy Enterprise in Chicago and went from a Playboy Bunny to being a “feminist”. She’s Jewish as well. Just like Ayn Rand was Jewish. Just like Cass Elliott was Jewish.
Then there’s Leslie Abramson who went to Queens College. She’s a Jewish girl from Queens, New York. And some might remember Abramson as the witch that railroaded Eric and Lyle Menéndez over six trials It took six trials to convict the Menéndez brothers.
Lyle was a student at Princeton University. He was convicted of murdering his mother and father, a crime he didn’t commit. Eric Menéndez did not shoot a single person with a shotgun. They never found the murder weapons. The killings were professional. There were 13. Yes, I said 13 shotgun blasts. That’s a Masonic “Unity Amongst Masons”.
Then there was their dad, José Menéndez, who, Puerto Rican singer and former Menudo member Roy Rosselló alleges that he was sexually assaulted as a teenager by José Menéndez. See, José, he was in the porn business, if you didn’t know. The same people who Oliver Stone is partners with. That’s Mario Kassar, Andrew G. Vajna and Noel Bloom. They worked with Oliver Stone on “the Doors” film, to be specific. They’ve also worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger and porn star Sylvester Stallone. They work with everybody in Hollywood.
So, porn is endemic in all production of entertainment in Hollywood. And José Menéndez was a chief operating officer for RCA before he was fully, 100% into porn for Carolco Pictures, through Live Entertainment — which, is now known as Artisan Entertainment — and Noel Blooms Caballero Home Video.
Anyway, what I’m trying to tell you is Leslie Abramson is a Jewish lady from Queens. She went to Queens College at the exact same time that José Menendez was at Queens College, and they probably knew each other. But anyways, after José’s death, Leslie pretends to represent his sons, but instead, gets them convicted once they remove cameras from the courtroom. See, there were 4 mistrials and 2 convictions to get the Menéndez boys life imprisonment.
Now there’s another Jewish woman by the name of Janet Yellen. You may have heard of her. She was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank in District of Columbia. She’s an “academic” and she knows nothing about banking whatsoever. Yet, she was head of the Federal Reserve Bank and now Secretary of the Treasury. Well, this means, she didn’t make any decisions. She is just another Actor/fraud. Because, it’s all made out of Switzerland. Janet does what she’s told, and the Treasury is not operated by Janet Yellen nor is the Federal Reserve run today by Jerome Powell because he’s just a puppet actor like Janet. Just like Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke before. All Jewish Chairmans who just went to parties and never made any decisions.
Then we have Marcia Clark. You may remember her from the O.J. Simpson murder trials of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman who, were both Jewish. Nicole Brown’s father, Louis Hezekiah “Lou” Brown Jr., he was Jewish. Marcia Clark (Horowitz), the prosecuting ADA was in the Church of Scientology. Her first husband was an employee of the Church of Scientology and they went to Church of Scientology functions.
So, what I’m trying to tell you is Marcia Clark (Horowitz) is Jewish and she was compromised in many ways, long before she was assigned the O.J. Simpson murder trial. If you didn’t get the picture, the Menendez trial, which was going on concurrently to the O.J. Simpson trial, you had Jewish Leslie Abramson involved in a trial with Stanley Weisberg, who was the judge. He was in on the whole sham. He did the McMartin School trials, which were all mistrials. He also did the Rodney King beatings, which was all acquittals and one mistrial, which is the wrong verdict because they videotaped the LA police beating the crap out of Rodney King. But good old dishonourable Stanley Weisberg, the Jewish judge, he made sure no one was convicted and none of the filthy, terroristic, “thin blue line” thugs were imprisoned.
And Leslie Abramson made sure that her clients got convicted of murder. It took six trials to do it but, she got the boys, who were innocent, convicted of a NATO crime. Marcia Clark (Horowitz) was successful in getting O.J. Simpson acquitted. Of of course the filthy judge was in on it. The filthy jury (cess) pool was fixed, and shyster Johnny Cochran was running the courtroom. And, on O.J.’s “side”, we had another Jewish character called Robert Shapiro. He was the lead “defense lawyer” for O.J. So, O.J. was guilty as sin, but his trial was fixed, just like the Menéndez trail was fixed.
See, they always get the wrong outcome. Rodney King was acquittals and a mistrial, that’s the wrong outcome. The McMartin School trials were mistrials. That’s the wrong outcome. You should have an acquittal or conviction. Not “mistrials”. But, when you have Stanley Weisberg as the judge, you’re going to get “mistrials” or, the wrong outcome. If you have Lance Ito as the judge, you’re going to get “acquittals” when you should get convictions.
So, we have another character, who is more involved in today’s clown world era and her name is Naomi Wolf. She’s a Jewish girl from San Francisco and she is involved in the “social influencing business” just like FAKE-Doctor Jane Ruby. She’s fake because her diploma is fake. She got it from a mail order where you send in the money, and they send you your bonded diploma that you can put in a frame and hang on your wall and look all impressive with your fancy pants on to the dumb-downed sheep and schmucks.
The ”university” use to be called “Kennedy-Western University” and then became “Warren National University”. But in the end, it got run out of California and Agoura Hills, which is the porn district of Hollywood, in case you didn’t know. It’s the area where José Menéndez was building a 9,000 square foot home. Also in the area is gated community of Hidden Hills. That’s where the filthy trash known as the Kardashians live.
So, is it a surprise really hat this school, “Kennedy-Western University”, it was just an unaccredited diploma mill that had tons of complaints against it? It was fake and fraudulent and so, it doesn’t exist anymore. Its administrative office was in Agoura Hills, and they never had any classes. There were no classrooms. It was just an administrative sales office.
Anyway, it’s been closed and moved to Shyanne Wyoming. I bring that up because I have another Jewish woman, Amie Harwick, who was murdered in 2020 at age 38. She too was of course in the porn business. She, like Gloria Steinem who, worked at the Independent Research Service, which was largely financed by the CIA, was also a Playboy model.
By the way, in 1967, although with a “progressive past”, Steinem was outed as a CIA operative marketing cold war propaganda in the global arena to promote the promise of “Black assimilation”, putting in question her so-called “contribution” to “anti-racism”.
Anyways, Amie Harwick was a nude model for Playboy Enterprises, and she then went into porn and “Pineapple Support”. Pineapple is a pseudo-unionized psychological counseling department that’s set up by the CIA for the porn actresses to control and pacify the actors of pornography for Hollywood. Go do an internet search these days for “Pineapple Psychological Counseling” and One shall find it has almost been scrubbed from the internet. All this Author could find active was a FILTHbook page. Their website, www.pineapplecounseling.com, is always down or blocked. I even get a message by my ISP, Spectrum, saying:
“This site was blocked because it may contain unsafe content that
can harm your device or compromise your personal info”.
Trash is as trash does, right CIA terrorists?
See, there’s all kinds of “problems” that go on if you are a porn star. And so, to neutralize this and to supposedly reduce the number of murders and fake suicides because yes, there are many porn stars being murdered even though they call them suicides. Like, August Ames was murdered at age 23. She was garroted, and then they called it a suicide. She’s just one of hundreds of porn stars that have been killed in recent years.
So, “Pineapple Psychological Counseling” is funded by PornHub and all of the “free porn” sites supposedly bringing in advertising money as their funding and revenue. And, Amie Harwick was a “counselor” there and she too was another pseudo-fake-PhD just like Jane Ruby. But in the case of Harwick, she got a fake degree from “Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality” (LOL!) in San Francisco which was also a now defunct, private, unaccredited for profit Graduate School in the field of sexology. It went bye-bye.
So, it doesn’t exist anymore. So sorry to say, for all the lunatics out there that this sort of “degree” and subject-matter sounds “good” to, you won’t be able to get a “PhD” in “Human Sexuality” from the Institute of Advanced Study of Human Sexuality just like fake Dr. Jane Ruby. Won’t be able to get another fake PhD and just like Amie Harwick won’t be able tom seeing she was suicided.
NOTE: Advanced Study of Human Sexuality creates the acronym of “ASHS” which, is a military acronym for “Assessment System for Hazard Surveys” (USAF) and “Ammunition Storage and Handling System” (USAF).
Now another Jewish porn star we have is from Brooklyn and her name is Joanna Mostov but, the dumb-downed, zombie apocalypse “public”, they mostly know her as “Joanna Angel”. Joanna is allegedly married to some character called “Small Hands” and it is claimed he is some sort of “Actor” and “composer”.
Anyways, sweetie-pie Jewish princess Joanna, she is known for what is called “alt-porn”. I am not sure what that means exactly, but they say is very “extreme pornography”. Joanna only stands at 4 feet 11 inches tall. She sells “woke messaging” for the public cesspool through her “porn artistry”. She used to be a member of SuicideGirls I believe before she became a heavily tattooed “painted lady”. SuicideGirls, is an online community-based website that revolves around pin-up photography sets of models. So, Joanna, she’s a “Painted Lady/alt porn” star.
Next up here, we have Barbara Boxer. She was a fake senator from California. She is a Jew also from Brooklyn. Her daughter, Nicole Boxer, married Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, in 1994. We also have Diane Goldman Feinstein. She was a fake mayor of San Francisco and then she was a fake senator from California. Even though she is a Polish Jewish girl, she spent 12 years going to Roman Catholic school at the Convent of the Sacred Heart High School which is located at: 2222 Broadway, San Francisco, Pacific Heights. Convent of the Sacred Heart High School is an indoctrination military intelligence school. So, that makes Diane Goldman Feinstein military intelligence as a young woman.
So, are we getting the picture here? Every one of these women I’ve mentioned is Jewish. And, 4 of the 12 came from Brooklynn or Queens. 3 from Brooklyn, 1 from Queens. I think that’s astounding and astonishing.
01) Ayn Rand, 02) Cass Elliott, 03) Gloria Steinem, 04) Leslie Abramson, 05) Janet Yellen,
06) Marcia Clark, 07) Naomi Wolf, 08) Jane Ruby, 09) Amie Harwick, 10) Joanna Angel
11) Barbara Boxer, 12) Diane Goldman Feinstein, 13) Nicole Brown Simpson.
That’s 13 Jewish women and one Stew Peters. They all have one thing in common. They’re all/were Pied pipers. Every one of them is/was compromised. Every one of them gets passed around to whatever “limited hangouts” are trending or, whatever the television presentation shows of the day are or were back then.
Back in the “old days”, before ARPANET and the DoD’s/DARPA’s interwebs, it was shite like the Dick Cavett show or, “the Tonight Show” with Johnny Carson or, it was Merv Griffin, Mike Wallace, etc. There were all these talk shows, and they would pass around these women to the “intellectual channels”. Perhaps they appeared on the William F. Buckley show like Ayn Rand.
William F. Buckley is where they passed around Mark Levin Lane, the American attorney, New York state legislator, civil rights activist. It is where they had and Huey P. Newton of the Black Panthers and Robert Vaughn, “the Man from U.N.C.L.E“, regarding the discussion of the Vietnam War and colonialism.
In the end, all this is nothing “new”. We have all this “old days” stuff still. It is just simply called “podcasts” and “Rumble” and “YouTubers” these days. And this brings us the clowns and compromised assets of people like Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Lex Friedman, David Rubin. Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangouts, Fake Doctor Jane Ruby whose “followers” are also fake.
So, if your perception is to believe in a fraud, you too are a fraud. OK? And the reason we know Doctor Jane Ruby has problems is everything with her is “vaccine” oriented. So, remember, I already mentioned this “war” first and foremost, “psychological”. Because people are kept in a state of “purple pill confusion”. That’s number one. Number two is, we have an electromagnetic problem with 5G tower equipment, with 60 terahertz millimeter wave weapons and, we have problems with smart dust biosensors.
We have problems with mandates. We have problems with the masonic flag of 13 stripes. We have problems with steroid sports. We have problems with woke messaging. We have problems with fake democracies that promote “voting” and, promote Kamala Harris, sugar baby to Willie Brown. Or, that promote “voting” for Donald Trump, who is involved with Stormy Daniels which, takes me back to Joanna Angel.
You know, Donald Trump must be a big supporter of Joanna Mostov and Amy Harwick, right? Because, they’re in the porn industry. And Amy Hardwick, she was personal friends with Stormy Daniels. So, that means Harwick probably knew/knows Donald Trump.
Harwick went to parties and events with Stormy Daniels. So, these names that we have shown here, well, they go out to hundreds of other “influencers”. But, it’s not just them. I picked 13 Jewish women, which are just “octopus tentacles” that connect you to all the talk shows. Some of them you may “like” and, some you may not “like”.
Regardless of that, people like fake Doctor Jane Ruby, she’s not talking about the out in the open conspiracy FACT of the bio-digital convergence which, is the connection between the radio frequency of your body.
See, and for example, I have never had any filthy vaccine since undergoing trauma-based mind-control in USMCRD Parris Island back in 1989 and, I’m not ever getting any others. But, the problem is, that is not going to save me. I’m living in a microwave oven
So, I don’t think fake Doctor Jane Ruby who, sells Viagra products and is associated with Stew Peters — as they and have done numerous shows together — has any authentic remedies or even truth. This goes for this so-called Karen Kingston, who appeared in the film “Died Suddenly” which, leads me to question if Karen Kingston and Jane Ruby are in fact not one in the same woman or, if not closely related. Because, they look and act almost exactly the same.
I don’t know. But I don’t trust Karen Kingston. I don’t trust. Jane Ruby. I don’t trust Stew Peters. I don’t trust Naomi Wolf. I’m not asking Joanna Angel for porn advice. I can’t talk to Amy Horowitz because she was murdered.
So, in closing, don’t hitch your wagon to the likes of fake Doctor Jane Ruby and Stew Peters. Because, if you do, you will be ended up in a cremation oven in my view.
Stew Peter & fake doctor Jane Ruby:
• https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/23345/the-next-vaxx-lie-there-is-no-graphene-oxide-in-it/
• https://odysee.com/@TheZionistInspector:0/YouCut_20230111_190157188:0