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* * Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and,
Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent * *
[ see: Law of Agency] 1
How many people know that you cannot restore a “Constitutional Republic” by “voting” or being a “Registered Voter” like all the “J6ers” et al. believe? That you cannot restore a constitutional Republic from a “Democracy” back to a Republic by voting, you can’t do that. You want to know why? Well, let me show you via their own “authoritative sources” with one being Communistic News Network (CNN) which on March 19, 2024, at 13:30 ET, aired a piece entitled: “Top Generals Testifying About U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan”:
REP. MICHAEL MCCAUL (R-TX) & CHAIRMAN: “to General Milley, do you think that these documents should be turned over to the United States Congress? And do you think that both General Donoghue and Admiral Vasely should testify before Congress”?
GENERAL MILLEY: “Sure. I absolutely do. I believe transparency — you’re the board of directors for this corporation called the ‘American government’. And I believe that you’re entitled to those within the bounds of classification. Absolutely”.
* * * Here is an official transcript from of Your (not “my”) “Authoritative” and “trusted news sources”
There you go! Straight from the “horse’s mouth”! Yet all you plebs out there wanna say… “Eric, you’re just a crazy conspiracy theorist. You can’t prove that”! All the while, they openly say the word “corporation” whilst you plebs sit there and believe it “means nothing”.
Well, no, regardless of what men acting as so-called “judges wanna say and preach about “threats to our democracy”, first, who is this “we/our” you speak of “judge” and secondly, you’re supposed to be a republic. And, a republic is not a corporation!
So, how do they get from being a “republic” to a “corporation”? You wanna know? You hear McCaul and Milley talking about, right? Well, they are not the only ones. Here’s another one:
JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO: “In order to force the presidency and compel them to do what we hired him to do, which is to run the government within the confines of the Constitution and only with the money he collects from taxes and other fees”.
REP ALLEN WEST (R) FLORIDA: Well, you’re absolutely right, Judge. You know, what we have to look at is, the president is the Chief Executive Officer of this corporation called the United States of America”.
See! This is exactly why we consummate students of the law and truth and why we teach and share our knowledge about the bigger truths and what our rights actually are. This is why we decided to take on this task to create simplified instructions so that people can see truths like this right here.
So, whenever you apply the knowledge, you will realize that your fellow man is not your “enemy”. They’re being manipulated and are victims of weaponized tools of things like the Hegelian Dialectic and Cognitive Dissonance. But now, you can help them see through the lies, propaganda and bullshite of the real “criminals”.
Watch our video featuring the above mentioned sources here:
Proof “the United States” government is a Corporation: via “trusted” & “authoritative sources”
With Peace and the Divine Grace of the Most High/上帝, as a Spirited Pacifist,
i leave you with your Creator’s Blessings… Caveat Emptor!
autographed by: 王狮子/ eric
[1] Law of Agency is the common law doctrine controlling relationships between agents and principals. A principal-agent relationship is created when the agent is given authority to act for the principal. An agreement made by an agent is binding on…