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Foreign Office of Origin
Joseph E. Bochenek / d.b.a.: Eric: Bochene
c/o [19] Pinecrest Road, New Hartford, New York [13413]
without the United States per 28 U.S. Code § 1746
email: corp [.] gov [.] tyranny@mailfence.com
to: All Pertinent Public–Servants/Agents
date: 28th day of the 11th month of 2022
* * * * *
Evidence of Criminal / Fraudulent Activity
Contained herein is evidence of a felonious and criminal acts, attacks and trespasses upon “i”;
We suspect evidence indicates that at minimum, 18 U.S. Code § 1343 – Fraud by wire, radio, or television has been committed (likely related others) and quite possibly 18 U.S. Code § 249 – Hate Crime Acts, Civil Rights Act of 1866, 18 U.S. Code § 2331– Terrorism, 18 U.S. Code § 959 – Enlistment in Foreign Service, 18 U.S. Code § 958 – Commission to Serve Against Friendly Nation, the Wiretap Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, etc.;
This is stated because it is well-known and established FACT that as a spirited man, “i”, investigate, Author and publish material (via: SansMemetics.net , formerly EmpireWatch.org and social media / podcast platforms) that exposes governmental / corporate corruption, criminality and conspiratorial FACTS, and in such, am a Pacifistic, Living Being [PERSON/INDIVIDUAL] targeted by various corrupt, criminal, state-sponsored agencies, and state-sponsored terrorist organizations;
As Public Servants bonded by oath of office and a fiduciary obligation, YOU are hereby assigned the task of providing us – as a “protected person” and NOT a “benefits & privileges” / 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen – with a speedy, thorough, complete and transparent investigation into these matters and, to provide remedies, protections and restitution – all per and in accord with general rule of Pacta Sunt Servanda (promises must be kept) and 18 U.S. Code § 112 – Protection of foreign officials, official guests, and internationally protected persons.
God Bless and God Speed,
Joseph E. Bochenek / d.b.a. Eric Bochene
eMail: corp [.] gov [.] tyranny@mailfence.com
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SUSPECT: Project Raven
Corp.-Gov. / State-Sponsored Terrorism
Project Raven: a Program Where “Americans” Are Recruited to help “the UAE” Hack People & Organizations Around the World.
See: Joel Schectman, an investigative reporter for Reuters who co-wrote a series of stories in the past year about a hacking and surveillance program conducted by the United Arab Emirates. His partner on the project was Christopher Bing, also of Reuters. The two reporters discovered, among other things, that the UAE was employing Americans in its secret program, including veterans of the National Security Agency.
also see:
“What is Project Raven? How Michelle Obama’s eMails Were Monitored by UAE Spies”
Project Raven: How ex-NSA operatives turned UAE into a Hacking Power
Reuters exposes the UAE’s secret hacking team of American mercenaries. Full Story January 30, 2019
Project Raven: What Happens When U.S. Personnel Serve a Foreign Intelligence Agency?
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