NOTICE: “United States business” means: a “United States citizen”
the term “United States business” means, a “United States citizen”, a corporation, partnership, or other association created under the laws of the United States or of any State…
SansMemetics... where unauthorized thought thrives and the status-quo dies!
the term “United States business” means, a “United States citizen”, a corporation, partnership, or other association created under the laws of the United States or of any State…
you cannot restore a constitutional Republic from a “Democracy” back to a Republic by voting, you can’t do that. You want to know why? Well, let me show you via their own “authoritative sources”
For those out there that have their mind, body, and spirit – “Holy Trinity” — intact, as spirited, pacifistic beings walking around with the eyes to see and the ears to hear in possession of a “balanced/Yin-Yang” (阴阳) of the sacred masculine and sacred feminine within, it might be who of thee to engage in an “Action of Ejectment” …
For those out there that have their mind, body, and spirit – “Holy Trinity” — intact, as spirited, pacifistic beings walking around with the eyes to see and the ears to hear in possession of a “balanced/Yin-Yang” (阴阳) of the sacred masculine and sacred feminine within, it might be who of thee to engage in an “Action of Ejectment” …
To the alchemist, all the phenomena of the universe are combinations of a single prime energy inaccessible to ordinary senses. Only a minute cross section of the total cosmic spectrum is ‘bent’ by the senses and so rendered tangible. Science has defined this minute abstraction as its total concern and is therefore condemned to turn endlessly inside a nutshell of its own making, learning ever more and more about less and less.
EPIPHANY: a Christian festival, otherwise called the “Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles,” observed on the 6th of January, in honor of the appearance of the star to the three magi, or wise men, who came to adore the Messiah, and bring him presents. It is commonly called “Twelfth Day.” ~ Black’s Law 2nd Ed.
Tax = Sum = Gist = Essence = Nature = Zygote = Biometric Cut/Fetal Afterbirth “Taxpayer” ID ENTITY is supported by Certificate of Deposit a.k.a. Birth Certificate No fetal deposit = No tax payer
Then, but especially now, many people eagerly embrace Doomsday scenarios. During my lifetime, various people have asserted that nuclear annihilation, Islamic terrorism, global warming, ozone layer holes, pollution-driven cancers, Y2K, various killer microbes…
t was enforced in Western countries with the same ferocity, meticulousness, and categorical unforgivingness with which the hijab is forced upon women in Islamic countries. Never before had the government induced a trend in society so invasive and so disruptive to human life…
Mike Gill exposed the Mena Arkansas, of New Hampshire, and has paid dearly. James O’Keefe, Corey Lewendowski, Roger Stone, General Flynn, Patrick Howley, Donald Trump – they ALL knew and used the mass of evidence Mike Gill had gathered to blackmail Governor Chris Sanunu to support Trump during the 2018 mid terms.