*As Per Your Fraud
[ALL corp./gov. AGENTS]
by: kate uv kaia
To whom it may concern;
A vast fraud upon all of humanity has recently come to my attention and something you may or may not be aware of, depending on your job, role, title as it relates to government, post office, legal/lawful occupations, law enforcement, military etc. There is much confusion with many in that one’s true name given to them is assumed/presumed to ONLY be a LEGAL NAME, which it certainly is not. The fraud is assuming/presuming one is automatically a LEGAL NAME in things like mortgages, loans, tickets, fines, taxes etc. where, in fact, no disclosure of the intent to commit fraud, entice a human into slavery via deception etc. et al from the true owner of all LEGAL NAME(S) COPYRIGHT, namely the owners/oathers of the CROWN CORPORATION has never and was never offered rendering all things legal/lawful null and void since it is based on fraudulent intent ab initio.
As a case in point, if someone were to know the difference between the LEGAL NAME and their true name (which sounds the same) they would be immediately in contempt of every court on this planet if they set foot in one KNOWING this but would also be deemed crazy for even being there, if even only to explain this mistake of assumption/assumption deception. Every judge/justice/mayor (chief justice) would instantly be guilty of aiding and abetting fraud, which they are anyway based on their own rules, if someone made this known to them in a BAR/CROWN courtroom.
While it is not and never my intent to harm anyone, it is also not my intent to place anyone who is knowingly/unknowingly taking an active role in the thefts, slavery and murdering spiritually humanity as a whole in an “aiding and abetting fraud” exposed position such as a judge in THEIR courtroom where their only defense of that exposure is to “lock somebody up or send them for psych eval etc.” Regardless again of the fact that it would just be my intent to help them see the frauds they are enabling every day for their police/law enforcement masters whom they work for and not the other way around because this is a matter of the heart that those that “judge” others the very thing they need to judge within themselves. Unfortunately, their programs of graft and “protocol” run too deep in their 2D paper world and it will always be assumed/presumed that I am somehow the LEGAL NAME that I KNOW I am not but any/every “judge” would have enough self-serving justification to claim such a thing anyway; their greed and “corrupted by power” ego will only perceive me as a threat to their illusional / delusion lifestyles. Sorry, I don’t do “crazy” and I don’t pick fights with anyone, especially those with preconditioned and programmed psychopathies or sociopathic tendencies that only spend their days inflicting harm on innocent people based on the LEGAL NAME FRAUD. Just because a thief has the ability to steal what they can, never justifies a thief’s stolen property just because they’re good at stealing. It is a simple case of damned if you do, and damned if you don’t if one carries any form of fraudulent IDENTIFICATION which can only be created AFTER THE FACT of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE intent to commit fraud on every mother, father and child. It is a fact that a BIRTH CERTIFICATE is NOT evidence of IDENTITY yet, any/all forms of IDENTIFICATION can only be obtained upon the presentment of this “INTENT TO COMMIT FRAUD EVIDENCE DOCUMENT”. It’s quite simple really.
As another simple example of this, nothing in the legal/commerce world could, can or would exist without this LEGAL NAME FRAUD in place that puts everyone using any/all forms of LEGAL IDENTIFICATION immediately in a state of false personation, fraud and countless other CAPITAL CRIMES for the mere freewill consent and thinking one actually is a legal NAME which they certainly are not. A legal name only exists on paper in a flat earth, two-dimensional paper sea where those defrauded via deception into using one/thinking they are one, are the very ones that give this dead by consent fictional reality its existence at all. It’s quite insane really when you think about it.
When one uses the fraudulent legal name IDENTIFICATION, one’s own body is assumed/presumed PROPERTY OF THE CROWN by virtue of the G.I.F.T. (see Black’s law “Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer” i.e., the point of conception) of the GIVEN NAME as a result of non-disclosure of this fact to any/all who REGISTER their child (pronounced killed as per Phoenician law) inasmuch as they are also likely REGISTERED themselves, as slaves per the same fraud perpetrated on their mother and father. The delineation here is quite clear where the CROWN assumes/presumes OWNERSHIP of the physical body via this fraud where the true living spirit, completely separate from physical is in control of that “VESSEL” but not OF that vessel. Visit a local funeral home to verify lack of spirit in a dead body to see the difference between life source consciousness pre-sent/ab-sent. All material world is dead when it is void of life source consciousness i.e., humans, animals, birds, insects, plants etc.
As an example; It is the same as someone “stealing” your car you think you own but Mom and Dad “sold/G.I.F.T-dead” it at conception on the assembly line, and then take the car, with you in it, to the crusher and all the doors are locked, seemingly permanently. Well, the doors are unlocked now where it can no longer be assumed/presumed that I have anything to do with the LEGAL NAME, regardless of any/all IDENTIFICATION because the ORIGINAL SIN/CRIME/INTENT TO DECEIVE/AID AND ABET FRAUD already belongs to the owners/oathers of the CROWN CORPORATION. While much confusion and ignorance of this fact eludes most law enforcement/BAR member/CROWN OATHED, it does not elude me, therefore;
- It is not my intent to commit fraud NOR aid and abet anyone else into same commission/omission thereof where ASSUMPTION/PRESUMPTION of ANY/ALL LEGAL NAME(S)/ALIASES/JOINDER VIA BEARING FALSE WITNESS etc. et al are concerned and;
- Any/all attempts by/of/for any/all who assume/presume me, the life source consciousness within MY body reclaimed will be deemed HIGH TREASON against the creator of all itself as I am part of all consciousness and my Couer-T/court and, by virtue of your own rules, are now OBLIGATED to arrest/detain/incarcerate any/all LEGAL NAME servants/slaves ACTING in any/all TITLES/OFFICES etc. et al who have attempted, are attempting or will attempt to engage/in pledge in this activity against me and any/all those who know this fact and;
- Any/all harms created against me, my family and humanity must now be made right where all things stolen, including time, MUST be put back in the hands of the true owners where these crimes against me/us could only be fulfilled in/of/by and for this CROWN OWNERS/OATHED INTENT TO COMMIT FRAUD AB INITIO.
Do not expect me in any/all of your courtrooms or venues because it is not my wish to put you, myself or anyone in the position of HIGH TREASON in the same way that those who serve the “WHORE OF BABYLON”/CROWN CORPORATION via the “MARK OF THE BEAST/LEGAL NAME” FRAUD WITH INTENT by their own commission/omission/ignorance of this TRUTH. As one of the true living beings on this planet, those that consent to be dead, have no voice where MY voice shall command them now. I will simply now ask you; Is it your intent to commit fraud or aid and abet me into committing fraud KNOWINGLY?
You are hereby commanded by M/E, the living to contact me to make amends in all CROWN CORPORATION FRAUDS against me, that shall include, though not limited to any/all who have committed fraud, borne false witness against me where to not do so, places you in HIGH TREASON against the heart of all creation itself where I freely, by and of my own consent, let creation itself take its course. I judge not, lest I be judged. I, who am without LEGAL NAME wash my hands of those who are of UNCLEAN HANDS. Assumption/presumption of LEGAL NAME(s) FRAUD nulled and voided, nunc pro tunc, tunc pro nunc, ab initio, ad infinitum, fiat justitia, ruat caelum, denique ultimatum, revereor verum. To fail in following your own laws, you render any/all laws/statutes NULL AND VOID.
If you are confused in any of these matters, please feel free to visit www.kateofgaia.wordpress.com at your leisure for a detailed explanation of countless ignorances removed. Ignorance of the true law is not a defense of/from it.
*Written with/in Phoenician/sonic definitions as defined only by me as per my intent, assumption and presumption of any/all possibilities other than my own are destroyed ab initio; Read the following information as a courtesy on my part lest you fear seeking truth any further where this is already and forever will be your binding contract to make right your ignorant ways.
YOUR CONTRACT NOW by kate u/v kaia
Written with/in Phoenician/sonic definitions as defined only by me as per my intent, assumption and presumption of any/all possibilities other than my own are destroyed ab initio; Ignorance is NOT a defense, time to wise up to Whom it May Concern, LEGAL NAMES NOTWITHSTANDING, where any/all names mentioned in this are not and will never be assumed/presumed to be LEGAL NAMES where any/all LEGAL NAMES are, in fact, AIDING AND ABETTING FRAUD. It is not my wish nor ever will be my wish to partake in any/all frauds ab initio, ad infinitum;
Be advised that I am currently investigating an all-too-common situation of MISTAKEN/STOLEN IDENTITY/FALSE PERSONATION regarding fraudulent use of CROWN COPYRIGHT property, commonly known as the LEGAL NAME;
Inasmuch as all/any-thing(s) LEGAL are without standing in reality or what you would deem to be the “real world”, most of humanity is duped into this fraud via the BIRTH CERTIFICATE FRAUD / DECEPTION / NON-DISCLOSURE / LEGAL NAME/FALSE IMPERSONATION etc. where “legality is not reality” as per “their-your” own MAXIMS of law. Please read attached “Babylon Is Fallen” for a brief synopsis of this scam of humanity as a whole and be advised that any/all use of a LEGAL NAME has you complicit in all/any CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY henceforth;
As an investigative reporter and FREE “LANCE” journalist I have an obligation to humanity to expose any/all of these crimes to my millions of listeners/followers worldwide to bring a full awareness to the consciousness of humanity as a whole. In short, if you’re playing with LEGAL NAME(S) and harming anyone by “just doing my job” it sucks to be you in the same way that those claims were also made during the NUREMBERG TRIALS. Harming someone in the EXECUTION of your duties does not and will not absolve you of your free willed choice to do so under any/all circumstances where all are simply guilty in, by and of their actions in the INSTANT the crime is committed, no courts required to prove self- guilt;
It has come to my attention that YOU, the living spirit OCCUPYING a CROWN OWNED / COPYRIGHTED BODY (see G.I.F.T. Black’s law pg. 757 GIFT. abbr. GAMETE INTRAFALLOPIAN TRANSFER. gift, n. (12c) 1. The voluntary transfer of property to another without compensation. [Cases: Gifts ~1.]2. A thing so transferred. gift, vb.absolute gift. See inter vivos gift.) INTER VIVOS means “inter vivos (in-t<lr vI-vohs or vee-vohs), adj. [Latin”between the living”] (1S37) Of or relating to ‘property conveyed not by will or in contemplation of an imminent death, but during the conveyor’s lifetime. inter vivos, adv.inter vivos gift. See GIFT” in short, the BODY is GIFT-dead/gifted via the REGISTERING/SURRENDING the GIVEN name, thus G.I.F.T / Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer or CONCEPTION POINT / rendering the / any / all body(ies) CROWN COPYRIGHT PROPERTY by CONSENT of the CREATORS of that body, are therefore, DEAD BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION UPON ANY/ALL USE OF/BY/FOR/IN USE OF/BY FOR/IN ANY/ALL LEGAL NAME(S) / ALIASES etc. and therefore have NO CLAIM against any/all who KNOW otherwise. Truth does not require your BELIEF where doubt exists, truth merely seeks denial or acceptance where IGNORANCE is fully removed; A fraud revealed is null and void nunc pro tunc, tunc pro nunc, ab initio, ad infinitum where the BIRTH CERTIFICATE fraud with INTENT to deceive is revealed;
Inasmuch as you are LEGALLY DEAD (proven with any/all CROWN CORPSE IDENTIFICATION use, you have no voice in this matter where only the living can speak since you are, in fact, a walking talking FRAUD/FALSE PERSONATOR by your willful consent by claiming to be/using any/all forms of CROWN CORPORATION IDENTIFICATION; (def; impersonation. (18c) The act of impersonating someone. Also termed personation. false impersonation. (1878) The crime of falsely representing oneself as another person, usu. a law-enforcement officer, for the purpose of deceiving someone. See 18 USCA §§ 912-917. Also termed false personation. (Cases: False Personation ~~ 1.]
* please note, it doesn’t say someone pretending to be a law enforcement officer but rather states clearly that it IS usually a law enforcement officer… such is the letter of Luciferian law;
Here’s a little something else for YOU to ponder with regards to BEARING FALSE WITNESS / FALSE PERSONATION / FABRICATING FALSE EVIDENCE;
Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure conviction of a capital offence 194. Whoever gives or fabricates false evidence, intending thereby to cause, or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby cause, any person to be convicted of an offence which is capital by this Code, or under any other law for the time being in force, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 20 years, and shall also be liable to fine; and if an innocent person is convicted and executed in consequence of such false evidence, the person who gives such false evidence shall be punished either with death or the punishment hereinbefore described.
Any/all claims made to FORCE assumption/presumption is, in fact, fabricating false evidence/bearing false witness where a living spirit is being LEGALLY MURDERED to entice them into commission of FRAUD and SLAVERY and is TREASON upon the living spirit of that being. Any/all AGENTS of/for/by/in their OATH to the owners of THE CROWN CORPORATION are, in fact, DEAD BY CONSENT where, bearing false witness, false personation, fabricating false evidence is the very nature of their “professions”/ for-to make weary Latin; pro-fessio.
If you are holding, causing to be held, detaining, harming, imprisoning, arresting, injecting, force feeding poisons a.k.a. drugs, restraining, murdered, threatened, stolen from, raped, etc. any/all beings who have, of their own free willed choice made you AWARE that they are removed from any/all assumption/presumption of FRAUDULENT LEGAL NAME(S)/ALIASES ETC ET AL you are GUILTY of the aforementioned charges that rule the DEAD BY CONSENT beings that think/believe/duped into thinking/convinced they are a LEGAL NAME(S) are, in fact, delusional and literally psychopathic/sociopathic in nature. Feel free to research and prove this otherwise. It is NOW incumbent upon YOU to remedy your own delusions in this matter and in this regard lest you harm/continue to harm another living being. The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is PRIMA FACIA evidence of the owners of the CROWN CORPORATION of INTENT to deceive/commit fraud upon all/any humanity forced to use one for the purposes of procuring IDENTIFICATION to X-cyst/life-cyst in the “Whore of Babylon” COMMERCE using THEIR “Mark of the Beast”….at least now you know what those terms were referring to all along…. have a nice day!
Read the following:
Due to your in-cyst-stance to murder people spiritually every day along with your fellow parasites through the legal NAME soul trap, yours and every other servant of the dark’s souls are now forfeit…You serve the “Whore of Babylon” commerce/CROWN corpse with your Mark of the Beast (LEGAL NAME) as your consent to be dead, of the dead, serving the dead and those that are YOUR masters through your free will choice to do so… it is that choice that has your soul and countless other ignorant fools like yourself in the BOND-age… all harms you create are the same ones you WILL experience with this little note to remind you burned and etched in your mind every time you ask the question “why me?”…. at least now you know, you did it to yourself… it is my wish that you see this and stop your evil ways…. the rest is NOW up to you so don’t bitch about the pain from the nails in your own hands and feet because YOU are the one that swung the hammer to put yourself there… you are nothing more than a Ba’al BONDSMAN… no, the term “bail” is not a coincidence, it is your phonics clue to expose your self- destruction… have a nice day!
Just a little heads up for all privateers/dead by consent types being named and brought into the light as the criminals you are… your days of pirating/harming the people through their “vessels” are over. The “registered NAME” is the name of the vessel, as you are aware and all property joined to that vessels’ NAME is cargo that you love to steal and pillage on behalf of your banking masters that give you treats. Here’s a little fact for you all to consider; every action you do against another that harms them is permanent, one that cannot be erased and shall be balanced according to universal law, not man-made statute nonsense. That which you have wished upon another is YOUR wish granted in return.
Your oaths have been sworn to your various fictitious corporations/dead entities and you are bound by/of and for them that make slaves of each and every one of you where you are become as children stealing from others in the playground. No, you are being watched and reported on, called out by name now as the hijackers you are. You may wish to read up on the Geneva conventions recently put into full force and effect worldwide. These apply to you all inasmuch as you are part of the Admiralty fleet and thus; military.
I would suggest getting up to speed on much of my writings as well to give you a better overview of your very weak positions on the grand scale as this planet awakens more and more every day where you have a choice as to which side you will be on, one of the creators of humanity, or one of the destroyers. Your actions of daily theft/harm/poisonings make you fully the latter. What ye sow, so shall ye reap is the message I recall reading once in all the ancient tomes…find attached various truths to enable you to see your crimes against humanity as well as the links to further your own awakening. Regardless, you are now on the world stage for all to see and I do love making criminals famous, much love, kate of gaia…
p.s. I made a judge bow once on camera in MY courtroom, as you will bow to humanity as well. Visiting http://kateofgaia.wordpress.com is where you can further your educations on how to be human again and learn to stop raping others, especially yourselves serving those that make us all slaves…quite insane if you ask me and I do like to get the word out to millions worldwide….and I do so daily…neat eh?