NOTICE: “United States business” means:
a “United States citizen”
as per: U.S. Code TITLE 15 – COMMERCE AND TRADE, CHAPTER 73 — EXPORT ENHANCEMENT (§§ 4701 – 4729), SUBCHAPTER III — EXPORT PROMOTION (§§ 4721 – 4729), 15 U.S. Code § 4724 – Trade shows
15 USC § 4724 (e) Definitions as used in this section—
(1) the term “United States business” means—
(A) a United States citizen;
(B) a corporation, partnership, or other association created under the laws of the United States or of any State (including the District of Columbia or any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States); or…
NOTICE: Author knows of no such evidence that he is a “United States business”, nor a “United States citizen” nor a “corporation”, nor a “partnership”, nor an “association” and therefore “under the laws of the United States” or of any “State” including the District of Columbia, but rather and at “best”, under the laws of the united states of America as per Your 28 USC § 1746 (1) & 8 USC § 1101. Nor does Author find any evidence that he is under any valid contract or agreement, and Author shall maintain such standing until being provided “Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law” [Rule 2 of the FRCP] and/or valid contract showing otherwise.
With Peace, Love and the Divine Grace, as a Spirited Pacifist,
i leave you with your Creator’s Blessings… Caveat Emptor!
王狮子 / eric ©
Authorized Representative of the Represented person
All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice [UCC § 1-308]
authored and executed without the United States [28 USC § 1746 (1)],
on the 14th day of the 8th month of 2024 (current Æra)