When you start looking for the truth, you will confront the reality of just how corrupt and dogged the system is, always HAS BEEN and continuously becomes and, you will be subject to brutal attacks from the serpent, because, you are the real beneficiary of Eden but the Quasi Counterfeit will not let go without a fight and probably a fight to the death.
Beware of these loyal DOGS of the Justinian Deception, their rich life depends on your slavery and your lack of ability to see the Justinian Deception in full swing.
The Kennedy kill, the 9/11 murder of thousands of people, the causing of World Wars and “revolutions” in order to sell arms and run drugs, causing massive debt and hardship at the cost of your lives and the lives of our children for nothing more than profit and power for the people that cause the war in the first place, these people stop at nothing to keep hidden the deception they need in order to hold such corrupt power over the right to control the treasury of the people.
You will be cast as a “Terrorist” or “Sovereign Citizen” being things that make no sense legally but will be tagged to you in order to discredit your stand for the truth. Your good will is their enemy, your quest for the truth undermines their fraud and their deception. This truly is a sad situation for good people and once you become aware of how utterly corrupt and dogged the system is, you then must live with such disturbing knowledge. To make a stand for what is right may lead to nothing but humiliation and even death.
I myself have now been subject to threats against the well being of myself and my children. This document is all I have left in order to explain the danger I have faced for the research undertaken in order to discover the Grammatical Crime employed by such counterfeit deceptive corporate administrative entities passing themselves off as true common law governments of the people.