10 Things You Should Know About COVID Testing
1. The process used for COVID testing has always been deemed “an invention”, as it was never qualified as a test. This invention is called PCR, standing for polymerase chain reaction.
2. The inventor of PCR, Kary B. Mullis, said “these PCR tests cannot detect infectious free viruses at all.” That’s direct from the inventor of PCR.
3. The PCR was invented to merely have bits of genetic material in a sample multiply until those small broken pieces were numerous enough to see under a microscope. PCR just helps scientists observe small things in greater quantity. Where those bits of genetic material came from, what they do, do they make people sick etc…..the PCR process is not involved in that determination what so ever.
4. In order to finger any virus as the cause of someone’s illness, the entire virus (the complete genetic sequence) must be isolated in its entirety. This has not yet been done with COVID 19. This is correct. No complete virus has yet to be isolated and that’s supposed to be the first step before any other steps are taken in such a process that ends with a viral declaration…let alone a pandemic declaration.
5. In order to finger any virus as the cause of someone’s illness, the entire virus (which has never been isolated for COVID) must be transferred over to another animal or human host…..and that virus MUST cause the exact same illness in the host. This has not yet been done with COVID-19. The COVID19 virus has not yet been proven to cause disease, person to person. Why are these steps being bypassed?
6. In order to finger any virus as the cause of someone’s illness, the entire virus (which has never been isolated for COVID-19) must not only infect the host with the exact same disease, you must also find the complete genetic viral sequence in the infected tissue of the host and then re-isolate the entire genetic sequence from infected tissues of the host. This has not yet been done with COVID-19. Disease transmission person to person, has not been proven for COVID-19. This is the easiest criteria to organize yet it remains undone.
7. In order to finger any virus as the cause of someone’s illness, you must also have a control group, so you can make sure that what you call a virus isn’t just regular human genetic material, shared by all humans. If you find the exact same 80% genetic material strand in the samples of HEALTHY CONTROLS, what you’re looking at CAN’T be the cause of the disease because it’s just regular genetic material found in all humans…both sick and healthy. In order to finger any virus as the cause of someone’s illness, you need to find that particular complete viral sequence IN THE SICK ONLY and not in the healthy. This has not yet been done for COVID-19. Why is the gold standard of testing (having a control group) being bypassed?
8. In the case of COVID-19, scientists have indeed found a string of genetic material (not a complete sequence) that shares 80% similarities with SARS-COVID (a sequence said to cause SARS) and therefore the original Chinese scientists have declared that this string of material reflects a COVID infection. (but also did that without testing any healthy people, to see if healthy people also have the same genetic material) Humans share 97% genetic material with chimpanzees, 80% genetic material with cats and 50% genetic material with a banana and that’s why shared genetic material IS NEVER the standard used to diagnose any disease. This is why the Tanzanian President recently found positive PCR results when he secretly tested a goat, fruit and motor oil….because most things on earth share similar genetic sequences. We share 61% genetic material with fruit flies and 85% genetic material with mice. Shared material is never good enough to declare anything as concrete in real science. To declare viral disease you always need a full 100% viral genetic match to a past 100% viral genetic sequence in the past. This so far has not been done for COVID19. Why?
9. The PCR INVENTION shouldn’t be used as a way to diagnose any disease because it’s simply designed to make small bits of genetic material more visible under a microscope. Those small bits were always designed to be studied, not to conclude disease or no disease, winners or losers, black or white, go home or go to “a camp” etc. Where that genetic material comes from (from you or from a large number of friendly organisms that live inside you) in no way reflects if that genetic material is making you sick. This is why the PCR process has already been shown (in its current misused way) to declare 8 out of 10 people positive with COVID, when they’re perfectly healthy. Out of 10 people in a COVID testing area, 8 will be told they have COVID, 2 will not…..and there’s absolutely no basis to any of those declarations what so ever. The PCR can’t test for COVID, it never could and the inventor said so. So why are we using it?
10. This is the testing process being used to remove children from their parents, remove adults from their homes, destroy the economy, shut down the food supply, enforce martial law, destroy civil liberties, criminalize normal human activity and force an untested vaccine onto the public, while government officials have inserted into mandates (which are not laws) that both govenrment officials and vaccine companies are not legally responsible for any “failures” in this system where citizens are killed or injured,…..all the while knowing that the COVID death and infection figures (and the testing) are already proven fraudulent. https://bit.ly/2ztPLj4 Are you ready to go bankrupt based on COVID death numbers proven to be fabricated by government and media? Are you ready to have a child removed from your care based on a test that’s proven completely fraudulent? Are you willing to take an untested vaccine, while giving full legal immunity for death and permanent injury (and future cancers/auto immunity diseases etc) to govenrment officials and vaccine makers, based on fabricated death and infection numbers plus a fraudulent testing process?
At this added link Dr. Andrew Kaufman clearly explains the faults in the testing system and explain why there is no virus what so ever. https://www.bitchute.com/video/r9MG7YY5CrpL/ (Spiro Skouras interview) Click this bitchute link to watch the interview between Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Spiro Skouras.