It’s Time To Expose Tim Ballard!

Tim Ballard did a video in response to Candace Owen’s recent comments about Israel and pedophilia. Ballard claims that Israel is “interested in” fighting child sex trafficking and “at least they’ve made efforts” to stop it and encourages his followers to all get behind them.

Federal Communicable Disease Control, Quarantine and Biological Product Law

Covid events have revealed that there are no applicable or enforced federal rules governing production and use of biological products to ensure product identity, purity, safety and efficacy.

Impalement of Embedded, Treasonous, DOD-HHS Bio-Terrorists On the Horns of Their Dilemmas.

Public Notice to ANY/ALL AGENTS of government, post office, legal/lawful occupations, law enforcement, military member, judge, mayor, etc. in fact, no disclosure of the intent to commit fraud, entice a human into slavery via deception etc. et al from the true owner of all LEGAL NAME(S) COPYRIGHT, namely the CROWN CORPORATION has never and was never offered and therefore, renders all things legal/lawful null and void since it is based on fraudulent intent ab initio.

a Deep Dive into Disinformation, Censorship, and Information Warfare in the 21st Century

It’s morally, legally, and intellectually repugnant that officials have clandestinely created a vast apparatus for censoring citizens’ legal speech on the pretext of combatting foreign disinformation.

What YOUR “Elites” Love Doing to You

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] This is just more COLD-HARD TRUTH and evidence that YOUR – NOT my – “elites” and their filthy CORPSE-orations hate you, hate your family, neighbors and humanity in general. I say “YOURS” rather than “my” or “ours” because people like me utterly reject ALL forms of “collectivism”, group-think/behavior, and systems of belief (aka “ANY…

AIDS “Dissident” Seeks Redemption… and a Cure for Cancer

Biologist Peter Duesberg was all but banished from science for his views on HIV. Under a brilliant early-morning sky in Berkeley, California, Peter Duesberg pushes his bicycle along Oxford Street while animatedly explaining his new theory of cancer — oblivious to the fact that he is about to walk in front of a car. A…