No Deposit, No Return
Tax = Sum = Gist = Essence = Nature = Zygote = Biometric Cut/Fetal Afterbirth “Taxpayer” ID ENTITY is supported by Certificate of Deposit a.k.a. Birth Certificate No fetal deposit = No tax payer
SansMemetics... where unauthorized thought thrives and the status-quo dies!
Tax = Sum = Gist = Essence = Nature = Zygote = Biometric Cut/Fetal Afterbirth “Taxpayer” ID ENTITY is supported by Certificate of Deposit a.k.a. Birth Certificate No fetal deposit = No tax payer
Then, but especially now, many people eagerly embrace Doomsday scenarios. During my lifetime, various people have asserted that nuclear annihilation, Islamic terrorism, global warming, ozone layer holes, pollution-driven cancers, Y2K, various killer microbes…
t was enforced in Western countries with the same ferocity, meticulousness, and categorical unforgivingness with which the hijab is forced upon women in Islamic countries. Never before had the government induced a trend in society so invasive and so disruptive to human life…