No Deposit, No Return
Tax = Sum = Gist = Essence = Nature = Zygote = Biometric Cut/Fetal Afterbirth “Taxpayer” ID ENTITY is supported by Certificate of Deposit a.k.a. Birth Certificate No fetal deposit = No tax payer
SansMemetics... where unauthorized thought thrives and the status-quo dies!
Tax = Sum = Gist = Essence = Nature = Zygote = Biometric Cut/Fetal Afterbirth “Taxpayer” ID ENTITY is supported by Certificate of Deposit a.k.a. Birth Certificate No fetal deposit = No tax payer
Then, but especially now, many people eagerly embrace Doomsday scenarios. During my lifetime, various people have asserted that nuclear annihilation, Islamic terrorism, global warming, ozone layer holes, pollution-driven cancers, Y2K, various killer microbes…
t was enforced in Western countries with the same ferocity, meticulousness, and categorical unforgivingness with which the hijab is forced upon women in Islamic countries. Never before had the government induced a trend in society so invasive and so disruptive to human life…
Whether you need an Authentication Certificate or an apostille depends on the country in which the document will be used. You’ll need an Authentication Certificate for a birth certificate you intend to use in countries that are not parties to the Hague Apostille Convention.
Mike Gill exposed the Mena Arkansas, of New Hampshire, and has paid dearly. James O’Keefe, Corey Lewendowski, Roger Stone, General Flynn, Patrick Howley, Donald Trump – they ALL knew and used the mass of evidence Mike Gill had gathered to blackmail Governor Chris Sanunu to support Trump during the 2018 mid terms.
The undersigned investment company hereby notifies the Securities and Exchange Commission that it registers under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 8(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and in connection with such notification of registration submits the following information;
Public Notice to ANY/ALL AGENTS of government, post office, legal/lawful occupations, law enforcement, military member, judge, mayor, etc. in fact, no disclosure of the intent to commit fraud, entice a human into slavery via deception etc. et al from the true owner of all LEGAL NAME(S) COPYRIGHT, namely the CROWN CORPORATION has never and was never offered and therefore, renders all things legal/lawful null and void since it is based on fraudulent intent ab initio.
Public Notice to ANY/ALL AGENTS of government, post office, legal/lawful occupations, law enforcement, military member, judge, mayor, etc. in fact, no disclosure of the intent to commit fraud, entice a human into slavery via deception etc. et al from the true owner of all LEGAL NAME(S) COPYRIGHT, namely the CROWN CORPORATION has never and was never offered and therefore, renders all things legal/lawful null and void since it is based on fraudulent intent ab initio.
“His first duty is to the courts and the public, not to the clients, and wherever the duties to his client conflict with those he owes as an officer of the court in the administration of justice, the former must yield to the latter.
Many of us seek to understand the natural and immutable laws that govern our universe and while Some say there are 12, others, like Hermes Trismegistus, say there are seven. Trismegistus explains the foundational laws of our reality in his seven hermetic principles. Here’s what these principles are all about and how we can all use…